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台灣自行車導覽Taiwan Bicycle Source

太平洋自行車股份有限公司. PACIFIC CYCLES, INC. 負責人:, 林伊華. 聯絡人:, 林裳華協理. 成立時間:, 1980. 員工人數:, 150. 電話:, +886-3-4861231.

Pacific Cycle

Pacific Cycle, Inc., is an American subsidiary of Dutch conglomerate Pon Holdings that makes, imports and distributes bicycles.

Pacific Cycles Museum(太平洋自行車博物館)

Pacific Cycles provides R&D platform to help the bicycle design elites all over the world develop the products and start their bicycle career. Many folding ...

Pacific Cycles Inc.

Pacific-Cycles is a high end bicycle manufacturer established in 1980 ((Not to be confused with Pacific Cycle, Inc.), Pacific Cycles has been pursuing ...

Profile for Pacific Cycles

評分 3.4 (5) Pacific Cycles. 7465 likes · 4 talking about this. Pacific has been in the business for fourty years and won various prestigious international design a.

Pacific bicycle company hotsell

評分 4.7 (1,144) Pacific bicycle company hotsell. Pacific bicycle company hotsell, BSP Specialized Bikes Bicycles For Sale Vancouver BC hotsell. $96.00. SAVE 50% OFF.

Pacific Cycle

Cycling is for Everyone. For over forty years, Pacific Cycle has been on a mission to make cycling accessible to millions. Brands · Careers · Contact · About

About Us — Pacific Cycle

Acquiring Mongoose in 2000 and then Schwinn in 2001, Pacific Cycle is one of the world's leading suppliers of quality bicycles today. View Schwinn History.


太平洋自行車首創特需車租賃服務,幫助每一個需要的使用者。透過由租代買的方式,讓使用者體驗特需車帶來好處。 折疊車 · Birdy · 相關下載 · 產品保固聲明

Pacific Cycles

We see ourselves not only as a bicycle factory, but as an international designer workshop for the creation of different and exciting new bike concepts.


太平洋自行車股份有限公司.PACIFICCYCLES,INC.負責人:,林伊華.聯絡人:,林裳華協理.成立時間:,1980.員工人數:,150.電話:,+886-3-4861231.,PacificCycle,Inc.,isanAmericansubsidiaryofDutchconglomeratePonHoldingsthatmakes,importsanddistributesbicycles.,PacificCyclesprovidesR&Dplatformtohelpthebicycledesignelitesallovertheworlddeveloptheproductsandstarttheirbicyclecareer.Manyfolding ...,Pacific-Cycl...