Panda Antivirus Pro 2014 Review




See our comprehensive reviews and professional ratings of the industry's top antivirus software by extensive evaluation benchmarks.

Panda Cloud Antivirus Pro Edition 3.0 - Review 2014

評分 3.0 · Neil J. Rubenking · Tested with a set of malware samples that I collected and analyzed myself, Panda detected 90 percent and scored 9.0 of 10 possible points.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2014 - Review 2014

If you like the Windows 8 look, you'll love Panda Antivirus Pro 2014's interface. It includes a full-scale firewall as a bonus, and a handy network map. But ...

Panda Antivirus Pro 2014 - 3 PC - 1 Year - Mini Box (PC)

評分 3.3 (21) Customers find the software easy to use and install with a simple, easy-to-read layout. They say it works effectively without hogging system resources. Many ...


Panda Antivirus 是一套來自總部設於西班牙的安全防護公司– Panda Security 所研發的防毒軟體,在國際市場上頗有知名度,在台灣也有專門的代理商在負責 ...

Panda antivirus pro 2018 Review, Pros and Cons (Oct 2024)

Panda Antivirus Pro 2014 comes with real-time protection, new web filters, multimedia/gaming mode, fast scanning and rescue kit features. The fast scanning ...

How good is the panda antivirus?

It is a decent security suit with comparatively poor antimalware database entries and higher percentage of false positive detection.

Panda Antivirus Pro 2014

Panda Antivirus Pro 2014 Essential protection, but more than a simple antivirus! The new Panda Antivirus Pro 2014 offers the easiest-to-use and most ...

Panda Antivirus Pro 2014 Review

Check Out My Website: Facebook: In this review we will be taking a ...


Seeourcomprehensivereviewsandprofessionalratingsoftheindustry'stopantivirussoftwarebyextensiveevaluationbenchmarks.,評分3.0·NeilJ.Rubenking·TestedwithasetofmalwaresamplesthatIcollectedandanalyzedmyself,Pandadetected90percentandscored9.0of10possiblepoints.,IfyouliketheWindows8look,you'lllovePandaAntivirusPro2014'sinterface.Itincludesafull-scalefirewallasabonus,andahandynetworkmap.But ...,評分3....