Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge Emergency Replacement Visualization

2017年10月14日—A30-milestretchofHighway1betweenGorda(about60milessouthofBigSur)andSanSimeonfurthersouthisstillclosed.Caltranssaidit ...,2017年10月13日—Thenew310-footbridgeoutsidePfeifferBigSurStateParkisdistinguishedbynothavingcolumnsbeneathit,ju...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Big news for Big Sur

2017年10月14日 — A 30-mile stretch of Highway 1 between Gorda (about 60 miles south of Big Sur) and San Simeon further south is still closed. Caltrans said it ...

Big Sur back in business with opening of Pfeiffer Canyon ...

2017年10月13日 — The new 310-foot bridge outside Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park is distinguished by not having columns beneath it, just strong steel girders ...

Big Sur lost a bridge and slipped back in time. Now ...

2017年3月26日 — A landslide in the Big Sur Valley damaged the Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge, forcing the closure of Highway One. The bridge, which was condemned, since ...

Hwy 1 at Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge Completed

2017年10月13日 — This bridge was recognized as an Accelerated Bridge Construction project, new to California and the Big Sur Community. Dozens of bridge workers ...

No. 8

2018年1月5日 — The Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge was built and opened to the public just eight months after the original concrete structure was condemned, a process ...

Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge

The new bridge width is 40 ft, incorporating three girder lines, and the total structure depth is 14 ft (the steel girders alone are just under 13 ft deep).

Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge Failure Within the Context of Risk

2020年4月2日 — A landslide mobilized by January and February 2017 storms displaced an interior pile column supporting the bridge. The California Department of ...

Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge in Big Sur Competing for National ...

2018年9月10日 — SACRAMENTO — Caltrans is asking the public to vote for the Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge project in Big Sur, one of 12 projects competing nationally ...


2017年10月14日—A30-milestretchofHighway1betweenGorda(about60milessouthofBigSur)andSanSimeonfurthersouthisstillclosed.Caltranssaidit ...,2017年10月13日—Thenew310-footbridgeoutsidePfeifferBigSurStateParkisdistinguishedbynothavingcolumnsbeneathit,juststrongsteelgirders ...,2017年3月26日—AlandslideintheBigSurValleydamagedthePfeifferCanyonBridge,forcingtheclosureofHighwayOne.Thebridge,whichwasconde...