
食在悉尼– Pho Pasteur


Pho Pasteur - 雪梨

8 天前 · Pho Pasteur. 雪梨排名第8 的餐廳. 澳洲 · 新南威爾斯 · 雪梨Sydney. 709 George Street ...

Pho Pasteur Restaurant on Instagram

It's the PERFECT day to have a nice, HOT & STEAMY bowl of Pho to keep you warm and cozy~ Stop by or give us a call to place your order today 817-274-6232

Pho Pasteur Authentic Vietnamese Restaurant

Authentic Vietnamese Restaurant family owned since 1992 One of parramatta's oldest gems in Sydney Pho Pasteur Open 7 days Dine-In and Takeaway (Delivery on


Pho Pasteur has an extensive Vietnamese menu, signature dishes such as Phở Dặc Biệt, Bún bò Huế, Bún thịt nướng, Cơm Tấm, Gỏi cuốn and many more - including ...

Pho Pasteur | Restaurants in Haymarket, Sydney

評分 4.0 · Freya Herring · There are a few pho places on this busy strip of George Street, just down from Central Station, but this is the one we like best.

PHO PASTEUR, Sydney - Inner West

評分 3.5 (91) · $ Pho Pasteur ; PRICE RANGE. $9.00 – $14.00 ; CUISINES. Asian, Vietnamese, Soups ; Special Diets. Vegetarian friendly, Vegan options, Gluten free options.

Pho Pasteur (卡羅爾頓) - 餐廳美食評論

評分 4.0 (15) 卡羅爾頓排名第#50 的餐廳,共395 名亞洲料理, 越南料理. 1927 E Belt Line Rd Ste 120, 卡羅爾頓, TX. +1 972-418-8972 + 新增網站.

PHO PASTEUR - Restaurant Reviews

評分 3.4 (1,628) · $$ PHO PASTEUR, 682 Washington St, Boston, MA 02111, 1332 Photos, Mon - 10:00 am - 10:00 pm, Tue - 10:00 am - 10:00 pm, Wed - 10:00 am - 10:00 pm, ...


悉尼的越南人不少,越南餐館自然遍地開花。當時尚未知道有個越南區Cabramatta,在網上聽說這家是市中心最佳的越南河粉店,一看價錢也頗親民,就進去了。,8天前·PhoPasteur.雪梨排名第8的餐廳.澳洲·新南威爾斯·雪梨Sydney.709GeorgeStreet ...,It'sthePERFECTdaytohaveanice,HOT&STEAMYbowlofPhotokeepyouwarmandcozy~Stopbyorgiveusacalltoplaceyourordertoday817-274-6232,AuthenticVietnameseRestaurantfamilyownedsince...