
Pho Pasteur

Established in 1991. Boston/Chinatown: 682 Washington Street Boston, MA 02111. Quincy Center: 1462 Hancock Street, Quincy, MA 02169. Call Boston: 617-482-7467.

Phở Hoà Pasteur – Ho Chi Minh City

Michelin Inspector This popular restaurant has been serving delicious phở to the locals since it opened in 1968. The interior and service may not be glamorous, but the food is ...

Welcome to Pho Pasteur!

Offering a variety of traditional noodle soups, rice plates, and other delicacies, we have always been a firm believer in serving the freshest cuts of meats and ...

Pho Pasteur Restaurant

評分 4.2 (258) Dear customers, we are now open for dine-in service as well as take out and delivery orders . We will be following social distancing guidances set by ...

Pho Pasteur 越南河粉餐廳

越南河粉餐廳•784則貼文. $$$$•尚未營業. +1 972-680-0001 · 熱門近期在此地區 · Photo by Natalie Outhavong on February 08, 2023.

Pho Pasteur Authentic Vietnamese Restaurant

Authentic Vietnamese Restaurant family owned since 1992 One of parramatta's oldest gems in Sydney Pho Pasteur Open 7 days Dine-In and Takeaway (Delivery on MENU · About · Reviews · Contact us

Pho Pasteur (帕拉馬塔) - 餐廳美食評論

評分 4.0 (147) · $ Pho Pasteur(帕拉馬塔): 讀讀147則則關於Pho Pasteur客觀公正的美食評論,在Tripadvisor的5分滿分評等中得4.0分,在帕拉馬塔的366家餐廳中排第23名。

Pho Pasteur (羅斯密) - 餐廳美食評論

評分 3.5 (15) · $ 羅斯密排名第#34 的餐廳,共131 名$, 亞洲料理, 越南料理. 8821 Valley Blvd, 羅斯密, CA. +1 626-292-5888 + 新增網站 · 發表評論. 目前休息 查看所有營業時間.

【越南.河粉】Pho Hoa Pasteur 和粉

招牌都在牆壁上,當地人跟遊客約佔各半, 主要菜色是河粉,大多是各種部位的牛肉,有一兩樣雞肉, 也有春捲、肉派、油條,當然少不了越南才有的超濃水果冰沙。


Establishedin1991.Boston/Chinatown:682WashingtonStreetBoston,MA02111.QuincyCenter:1462HancockStreet,Quincy,MA02169.CallBoston:617-482-7467.,MichelinInspectorThispopularrestauranthasbeenservingdeliciousphởtothelocalssinceitopenedin1968.Theinteriorandservicemaynotbeglamorous,butthefoodis ...,Offeringavarietyoftraditionalnoodlesoups,riceplates,andotherdelicacies,wehavealwaysbeenafirmbelieverinser...