
Apache, PHP and MySQL portable?

Sure thing, XAMPP works well for this. It bundles Apache, MySQL, PHP (and Perl) and can work on Windows, Solaris, Mac OSX or Linux.

Download XAMPP

Download XAMPP for Windows, Linux, and OS X. Older versions of Solaris are also available.


The PHP project does not currently release binary packages for other platforms such as Linux or macOS, but they are packaged by distributions and other ... PHP logos · PHP 8 ChangeLog · Debian GNU/Linux. This is... · GPG Keys


It is a stack for Linux which consists of Apache, MySQL and PHP. AMPPS is a LAMP stack which you can install on your Linux. Apache is the web server, MySQL ...

PHP Binaries

At the heart of NativePHP are the platform-specific, single-file PHP binaries, which are portable, statically-compiled versions of PHP. These allow us to ship ...

Why isn't portable PHP a thing in the Linux world?

As of 2025, php.net distributes the portable binaries only for Windows platform, the distro is supposed to cater and support the Linux folks.

[SOLVED] PHP-cli standaloneportable on linux

Ermine trial did pretty well making the installed php to make a portable php, which does not need any dynamic linked dependencies on system. But ...

在Rocky Linux 8 安裝Apa...

安裝PHP 8.1 版 ... 1 安裝EPEL 8 及remi 擴充repo 套件因為PHP 8.1 版預設沒有在預設的套件庫中,需要先安裝EPEL 8 及remi 套件庫才可以安裝升級版的PHP,安裝e...

安裝PHP 8.1 版

1 安裝EPEL 8 及remi 擴充repo 套件 · 2 先移掉原有的PHP 套件 · 3 切換PHP 的來源套件庫 · 4 安裝PHP 套件 · 5 重新啟動apahce 伺服器.


Surething,XAMPPworkswellforthis.ItbundlesApache,MySQL,PHP(andPerl)andcanworkonWindows,Solaris,MacOSXorLinux.,DownloadXAMPPforWindows,Linux,andOSX.OlderversionsofSolarisarealsoavailable.,ThePHPprojectdoesnotcurrentlyreleasebinarypackagesforotherplatformssuchasLinuxormacOS,buttheyarepackagedbydistributionsandother ...PHPlogos·PHP8ChangeLog·DebianGNU/Linux.Thisis...·GPGKeys,ItisastackforLinuxwhic...