How to Place an Order



place an order - 英中 - Linguee

place an order — · 订购 () · 也可见: place 名 —. 地 名. ·. 位 名. ·. 地点 名. ·. 地头 名. ·. 处 名. ·. 地方 名.

places an Order - 英中

大量翻译例句关于places an Order – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

place an order在線翻譯- 英語

Those goods have been on order for almost a month. 那些貨差不多一個月前就定購了。 I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes. 我向他們定購了五百雙鞋子。

place an advertisement, bet, order, etc.

to arrange to have an advertisement, bet, order, etc. 登廣告/打賭/下訂單等 We placed the order for the furniture six weeks ago. 我們六個星期前訂購了這件傢俱。

place an order

To order something; to submit an order for a product. Translations. edit. ±Translations. [Select preferred languages] [Clear all]. Dutch: een ...

What is the difference between place an order and make an order

placed an order - meaning, you have already ordered make an order - meaning, you need to make the order (you haven't ordered it yet)

How to place an order 如何下订单

I'd like to place an order for... 我想下個訂單… We're going to need... 我們需要…

to place an order for sth with sb 的简体中文翻译

to place an order for sth with sb ... She placed an order for a new sofa with the furniture shop. 她在家具店訂購了一套新沙發。

place an order

place an order(phr) · 音標: · 解釋: 下訂單 · 例句: You need to think carefully before you place an order. 翻譯: 在你下訂單前,你必須三思。

Place An Order的意思

So you call up a Canadian lumber mill, tell them you'd like to place an order... 所以你打給一間加拿大木材工廠,告訴他們你想要下訂單...

