
pokemon tools - damage calculator

This tool will calculate the amount of damage a Pokemon can cause. Enter in the required information - most of this information can be found from the status ...

Pokémon Damage Calculator - nerd-of

VGC 2024: Scarlet & Violet Damage Calculator RBY GSC ADV DPP B/W ORAS USUM SWSH S/V. VGC 2024 calculator maintainenance by Alex Collins (@nerd_of_now). Basis ...

Pokémon Damage Calculator

Pokémon Damage Calculator. Select the generation. RBY GSC ADV DPP B/W X/Y S/M ... Possible damage amounts: (127, 129, 130, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138, 139 ...

Gen 9 Damage Calculator

Pokésports' own Damage Calculator up to date with the most recent meta!

A Pokémon Calculator

Battle Tree Damage Calculator Select the generation. ADV DPP B/W ORAS USUM Select the output notation. 48th 100% Select the calculator's mode of function.

Pokemon Damage Calculator | Pikalytics

Pokemon Damage Calculator for Scarlet and Violet Indigo Disk Smogon Gen 9 ... ORAS USUM SWSH SV. Abomasnow's Moves (select one to show detailed results).

[UPDATE] Nuzlocke Tracker

Here it is: https://nuzlocke.netlify.app/ All of the pokemon you record as captured will appear as options in the calculator if you toggle off Show all.

Where can I find the damage Calc program. : rnuzlocke

Pokemon Showdown provides a pretty good damage calculator online: https://calc.pokemonshowdown.com/ It may take a little getting used to but from personal ...


ThistoolwillcalculatetheamountofdamageaPokemoncancause.Enterintherequiredinformation-mostofthisinformationcanbefoundfromthestatus ...,VGC2024:Scarlet&VioletDamageCalculatorRBYGSCADVDPPB/WORASUSUMSWSHS/V.VGC2024calculatormaintainenancebyAlexCollins(@nerd_of_now).Basis ...,PokémonDamageCalculator.Selectthegeneration.RBYGSCADVDPPB/WX/YS/M...Possibledamageamounts:(127,129,130,132,133,135,136,1...