
Can I register at pokemon global link with my unbanned 3ds?

The question is: can I safely register to pokemon-gl? I was banned for the leaked dumb stuff and it's almost a week that I'm unbanned and ...

How to Register at the Global Link - Pokemon X and Y Guide

First you need to create and account at the Global Link, then connect your game at the internet (at the PSS page).

How To Register to Pokemon Global Link

Press Start/Select while on the PSS app to open the folder option. Scroll to the right to find the Game Sync Icon. Press this icon to find your ...

Pokémon Black & White - Pokémon Global Link Tutorial

Once you have put a Pokemon to sleep in your game, type in your Game Sync ID Code here for it to register with PGL. You are only allowed to register one Pokemon ...

Pokémon Global Link

Players may sign up to participate in special Online Competitions using a registered game. Online Competitions may have special rules and regulations, and all ...

Pokémon Global Link End-of-Service Announcement

After more than nine years of operation, the Pokémon Global Link (PGL) will terminate service on February 24, 2020, at 23:59 UTC.

Pokemon Global Link

The Pokemon Global Link is a way to play Pokemon away from your DS and on your PC. In order to use the Global Link, first you'll need a Pokemon Trainer Club ID.

r3DS on Reddit

Pokémon Global Link online service shutting down on February 2020 (Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon)

What is required to register on Pokémon Global Link and compete in ...

1st: Make a Pokémon Global Link Account. Here is a link in case you can't find it. 2nd: Register your game. After you create an account, there ...

操作指南(初次使用者)在Pokémon Global Link上登錄遊戲卡

登入後,在PGL主頁選擇“Account Settings”或從選單進入帳戶設定。在帳戶設定畫面裡,在畫面最下方的“Games Registered to This Account”裡點觸“Add Game Card ”,登錄Game ...


Thequestionis:canIsafelyregistertopokemon-gl?Iwasbannedfortheleakeddumbstuffandit'salmostaweekthatI'munbannedand ...,FirstyouneedtocreateandaccountattheGlobalLink,thenconnectyourgameattheinternet(atthePSSpage).,PressStart/SelectwhileonthePSSapptoopenthefolderoption.ScrolltotherighttofindtheGameSyncIcon.Pressthisicontofindyour ...,OnceyouhaveputaPokemontosleepinyourgame,typeinyourGameSyncIDCode...