
Cheat Codes for Pokemon Heart Gold on Nintendo DS

Welcome to our DS cheats page where you can checkout the latest cheat codes.

Official Action Replay Topic (U.S. Codes)

評分 87% (59) · Change XXX into item slot or group. Change YYY into item quantity. Change ZZZ into item list. ... For other slots, just add 4 for XXX likes 660 + ...

Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver (U)(J) Action Replay Codes

Make sure under it you put 62111880 00000000 and then B2111880 00000000 at the bottom of your code list you should this D2000000 00000000 .


These are 100% US Action Replay Codes compatible with both Soul Silver and Heart Gold! Enjoy and Credits to the hackers that developed these!

All Cheat Codes | Pokemon HeartGold

Pokémon HeartGold Cheat Codes · Increase Catch Rate. 9224670a 00002101 · Walk Through Walls. Press and hold L as you walk against terrain.

Pokemon Heart Gold Cheats

Use Pokemon Heart Gold cheats for Nintendo DS to beat up your opponents. Use the popular cheats such as Rare Candy, Walk Through Walls, Shiny and Money ...

Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver [USA] Action Replay Official ...

All codes are used at your own risk. Neither ReignOfComputer or this website takes any responsibility for any damage to your gameplay.

Pokémon HeartGold cheats

We've rounded up the full list of codes that can be utilised in Pokémon HeartGold, as well as how to put them into action using a third-party device.

Needing help on Action Replay on Pokemon Heart Gold

The cheat codes you typed into the Replay are basically a piece of code that triggers a bigger code from the Replay between the game and the console.

Action Replay Codes for Pokemon Heart Gold

We have over 300 different Action Replay cheats for Heart Gold, you can find them all by scrolling down, there are loads of different ones that you won't find ... Heart Gold Codes (US version... · Rare Candy Cheat · A Better Pokemon Modifie


WelcometoourDScheatspagewhereyoucancheckoutthelatestcheatcodes.,評分87%(59)·ChangeXXXintoitemslotorgroup.ChangeYYYintoitemquantity.ChangeZZZintoitemlist....Forotherslots,justadd4forXXXlikes660+ ...,Makesureunderityouput6211188000000000andthenB211188000000000atthebottomofyourcodelistyoushouldthisD200000000000000.,Theseare100%USActionReplayCodescompatiblewithbothSoulSilverandHeartGold!EnjoyandCr...