
Chaining Pokemon with the Poké Radar

This guide aims to teach you how to properly use the Poké Radar and chain Pokemon using information found in the game coding.

[BDSP] Poke Radar Guide : rPokeLeaks

The Poke Radar used to have much better odds with chain advancements, up to a 98% chance of advancing when capturing Pokémon when doing chain ...

Pokéradar shiny chaining: optimal chain length is 17

A chain of 17 gives 1 in 1986 shiny odds. If you do this for exactly 90 minutes at 10 seconds per Pokéradar reset, you will have done 90*60/10 = ...

Poké Radar

When a chain is in progress, the Poké Radar will automatically activate again at the end of the battle, causing up to four more grass patches to shake.

The Guide to Chaining

Chaining is the act of essentially encountering a certain Pokémon many times in a row using an item called the Poké Radar.

PokéRadar - Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

This item is given by Professor Rowan after getting the National Pokédex and is a way of making a chain to get various rewards.

Pokeradar 17 Shiny Chain

Hey All! just wanted to put out a video talking about ALL the ways that you can shiny hunt in the new Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining ...

4th Gen - Pokéradar and Chaining

Tell me about your times with chaining. What is your highest chain? What shinies have you encountered through this system?

How to successfully chain a Shiny with the Pokeradar in X And Y ...

Find a large area of grass, register the pokeradar, walk in the middle of the grass, use your repel, then use the pokeradar.


GUIDE ON CHAINING SHINY POKEMON in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl using the Pokeradar. In todays Brilliant Diamond and Shining ...


ThisguideaimstoteachyouhowtoproperlyusethePokéRadarandchainPokemonusinginformationfoundinthegamecoding.,ThePokeRadarusedtohavemuchbetteroddswithchainadvancements,uptoa98%chanceofadvancingwhencapturingPokémonwhendoingchain ...,Achainof17gives1in1986shinyodds.Ifyoudothisforexactly90minutesat10secondsperPokéradarreset,youwillhavedone90*60/10= ...,Whenachainisinprogress,thePokéRadarwillautomatical...