

This is the original PokeRadar for Pixelmon. Detect any pokemon in your area, level, location, and if they are shiny. Search for specific pokemon or multiple ...

LileepPixelmonDetector: A safe, efficient, lightweight and ...

A safe, efficient, lightweight and server owner friendly high version Pixel Radar. This mod is based on many previous works and has been optimized in several ...

PokeRadar Mod (1.19.3, 1.19.2)

PokeRadar Mod (1.19.3, 1.19.2) detects any pokemon in your area, Specify what pokemon to detect, also detect shiny pokemon and Boss pokemon.


A Pokeradar is a Pixelmon mod item with ID pixelmon:pokeradar. In creative mode, it can be found in the Quest Items tab.

PokeRadar Mod (1.12.2)

PokeRadar Mod (1.12.2) detects any pokemon in your area, Specify what pokemon to detect, also detect shiny pokemon and Boss pokemon.


宝可追踪(Pokéradar)资料的介绍页面,此资料来自模组[PMRE]像素精灵宝可梦重铸(Pixelmon),我的世界MOD百科,提供Minecraft(我的世界)MOD(模组)物品资料介绍教程攻略和MOD ...

Pixelmon Radar: Officially SHUTDOWN.

All PokeRadar Clients will display an annoying watermark at all times reminding you to update, older versions will even lock you out of the game if you have ...


Pokeradar is a mod that can be used both in single player and multi player to find shines, bosses, and legendaries.

Pokeradar 1.16.5 : rPixelmonMod

Pixelmon. Pixelmon is a Minecraft mod that brings the wonderful world of Pokémon into Minecraft. Boasting more than 900 Pokemon, countless ...

Pokeradar : rPixelmonMod

Anybody know how to get pokeradar mod for 1.12.2-8.3.8? Please could u give me the link in the comments. Much appreciated.


ThisistheoriginalPokeRadarforPixelmon.Detectanypokemoninyourarea,level,location,andiftheyareshiny.Searchforspecificpokemonormultiple ...,Asafe,efficient,lightweightandserverownerfriendlyhighversionPixelRadar.Thismodisbasedonmanypreviousworksandhasbeenoptimizedinseveral ...,PokeRadarMod(1.19.3,1.19.2)detectsanypokemoninyourarea,Specifywhatpokemontodetect,alsodetectshinypokemonandBosspokemon.,AP...