
Any advantage using 64-bit players?

However, 64bit imposes an equipment level burden that is higher than 32bit, so there is a penalty of sorts (including memory, $), until  ...

Difference between Potplayer versions?

The 32 bit version seems to have more files and the exe setup file is larger. The obvious answer is that the 64 bit version is better suited for Windows 64 ...

Anyone know the main difference between 32 and 64 bit version of ...

One is compiled targeting 32 bits and the other is compiled using 64 bit. Stick with whatever the main site kicks out and avoid the other places.

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Provides the maximum performance with the minumum resource using DXVA, CUDA, QuickSync. Get the best out of what you have.

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Difference between a 64-bit and a 32-bit system? · 32-bit Windows does not support more than 4 gigabytes of RAM · 64-bit Windows supports more than 4 gigabytes of ...

What is the difference between the 32-bit and 64

32-bit has a maximum user-mode memory address space of 2GB, while 64-bit has an effectively-unlimited maximum memory (2^63 bytes, far more than ...


以PotPlayer 來說,32bit 和64bit,在影片快轉的速度上有差。 64bit 的快轉很順,32bit 的會頓。 瀏覽器也是,32和64的,開網頁速度有差。 尤其愈複雜的網頁, ...

Should one always use 64

If you have 4Gb of memory or less, then you should go with the 32-bit version. You only get benefits of 64-bit when you have > 4Gb of memory.

Audio not working, but works in the 32bit version - potplayer

I am thinking the 64-bit version has a different app data folder. That is why one works and the other doesn't. That hidden folder is one of the ...

Pot player x64 or x32 (Page 1) — Using SVP

PotPlayer 64bit runs fine with LAV video decoder set to NVIDIA CUVID, whereas it freezes on the 32bit version. Besides that, sound is a bit better with the ...


However,64bitimposesanequipmentlevelburdenthatishigherthan32bit,sothereisapenaltyofsorts(includingmemory,$),until ...,The32bitversionseemstohavemorefilesandtheexesetupfileislarger.Theobviousansweristhatthe64bitversionisbettersuitedforWindows64 ...,Oneiscompiledtargeting32bitsandtheotheriscompiledusing64bit.Stickwithwhateverthemainsitekicksoutandavoidtheotherplaces.,Providesthemaximumperformanc...