

Participle phrase和形容詞差不多,用作形容名詞。但是,participle ... 另外,如果我們所形容的是一個被動的動作,我們就要用到past participle (過去分詞)來作 ...

Participle clauses | LearnEnglish

Participle clauses enable us to say information in a more economical way. They are formed using present participles (going, reading, seeing, walking, etc.)


There are two types of participles: present participles and past participles. Present participles end in -ing. Past participles end in -ed, -en, -d, -t, -n ...

【Present Participle 用法】用喺Continuous Tense只係冰山一角 ...

基本上90%以上的句子結構都可以用Present Participle Phrase 來表達。 Present Participle Phrase 簡單易學,而且可以幫助大家擺脫普通SVO句式以及since ...

Present and past... - Andy Sir English Chamber 英語密室

Present and past participle phrases 現在及過去分詞片語 在寫作中,現在分詞片語及過去分詞片語可以幫助我們 將文句寫得精簡一些,讀起來就更流暢直接。

Participial Phrases: How They Work, With Examples

Unlike with present participle phrases, the noun with a past participle phrase is receiving the action, not doing it. That means they can be ...

Present and Past Participle Phrases Explained

Both present and past participle phrases function as adjectives, providing more information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence. The phrases start with ...

Present participles and past participles

Present participles, on the other hand, are an -ing form of a verb, which are used in continuous tenses (as in 'I am walking' / 'I was walking').

What is the difference between a present participle phrase ...

Overview: A participle phrase is a phrase that starts with a participle and acts as an adjective to modify a noun or pronoun.

第18期– 現在分詞與過去分詞Present participle and Past ...

第18期– 現在分詞與過去分詞Present participle and Past participle 現在分詞和過去分詞在句子中有很多功能,今次讓我們一起了解清楚它們的功能和怎樣 ...


Participlephrase和形容詞差不多,用作形容名詞。但是,participle...另外,如果我們所形容的是一個被動的動作,我們就要用到pastparticiple(過去分詞)來作 ...,Participleclausesenableustosayinformationinamoreeconomicalway.Theyareformedusingpresentparticiples(going,reading,seeing,walking,etc.),Therearetwotypesofparticiples:presentparticiplesandpastparticiples.Presentparticiplesendin-ing.Pastparticiples...
