
Presentation Software for Teachers and Students

Only Prezi lets you create zooming, moving, visually stunning presentations that grab and keep your audience's attention, in any subject.

Registration for Prezi Edu License

Registration for Prezi Edu License · Here is how to · in 3 easy steps: · Do you want to · create awesome · zooming presentations · to wow your audience? · Click ...

Prezi pricing

Start your 14-day free trial for Prezi today. Compare plans and product features of Prezi Present, Prezi Video, and Prezi Design.

Prezi education pricing: Prezi sign

Discover Prezi's unique educational plans and sign up for an account at a special price for teachers, students, and education professionals.

EDU License Registration

If you want to change your existing license to an EDU license, you need to sign in first and choose Upgrade on Settings and License page. School or ...

Guide to Prezi plans

Basic: Our Basic license is free to use for everyone that wants to start making presentations either from a template or from existing PowerPoint slides with ...

Prezi educational plan

Prezi offers an EDU Plus plan to users with a certified educational email address. We offer the EDU Plus plan at a special price to students, teachers, and ...

Get a free Prezi Edu license if you are a student or teacher

Get a free Prezi Edu license if you are a student or teacher · Discover the power of #visualstorytelling with Prezi #storytelling #visualtools.

BLOG: Right Prezi Licence

Prezi essentially offers four types of individual licences - the Free, Standard, Plus, and Premium - and two types of team licences - the ...

Prezi Tutorial: Prezi Licenses

Prezi offers different kinds of licenses. Teachers and Educators are eligible for a Prezi Education License, and there is also a Free Basic ...


OnlyPreziletsyoucreatezooming,moving,visuallystunningpresentationsthatgrabandkeepyouraudience'sattention,inanysubject.,RegistrationforPreziEduLicense·Hereishowto·in3easysteps:·Doyouwantto·createawesome·zoomingpresentations·towowyouraudience?·Click ...,Startyour14-dayfreetrialforPrezitoday.CompareplansandproductfeaturesofPreziPresent,PreziVideo,andPreziDesign.,DiscoverPrezi'suniqueeducationalpl...