How to Use Door Locks | 2025+ G80 | How-To



How Mobokey proximity lock unlock works in your car

Proximity lock unlock is a feature in which the car locks & unlocks depending upon the distance between the car and phone.

Keyless Entry Proximity & Auto Lock issue - Mazda CX‌

I've noticed an issue where I cannot get into the car with their proximity sensors by touching the door handle to lock or unlock the car at times.

Proximity Sensors and Walk Away Lock Functionality May Report ...

Summary: This article provides information about computers with proximity sensors and Walk Away Lock functionality locking too quickly.

Autolock and Autounlock EnablingDisabling

The manual has instructions on how to do it (press the unlock button three time, turn on the ignition, press it again three times, blah blah ...

Proximity Keyless Entry: disable? (Peugeot 308)

I'm quite happy to click the key fob to lock and unlock the car. Does anyone have any suggestion as to how to disable Proximity Keyless Entry ( ...

接近傳感器解鎖討論及推薦(Intellicover及Proximity Autolock)

目前我Intellicover 停用未解除安裝改用Proximity Autolock 正在試用都還是老問題螢幕有時都會因誤觸而關閉......如果有些實用app推薦一下討論一下吧!

請問NEW ONE有喚醒螢幕的其他方式嗎?

移除要先去把啟動的地方取消。就可以移除!! 0. 評分. 取消 確定. 引言; 留言. 回報 ... 小弟是用Proximity AutoLock, 這款在靈敏度和省電度方面都很不賴, 只是放在 ...

How to remove passive lock on a 2023 kia Sportage hybrid?

Is there a way for you to remove the 30 second auto lock on the car when I close the last door? What does the valet button do? Thanks.

Ioniq 5 Proximity Auto Lock Install : rIoniq5

4 wire taps These wire taps are minimally invasive and you can remove it easily. It leaves a small puncture in the wire that's hard to ...

Auto Door Lock proximity

Is it possible to setup the key-fob so that the doors automatically lock when you park and walk away? My last 3 cars did this and I guess I ...

