
Creating a Thick or Thin Volume

To determine the optimal amount of over-provisioning for your SSDs, download and run SSD Profiling Tool from App Center. Optional: Configure the alert threshold ...

Setting up volumes. Static vs Thin vs Thick?

2020年1月22日 — Thick provisioned volumes have slightly better write performance than thin because the space allocation is done in advance. I use thin provision ...

Should I use a thin volume or a thick volume?

2023年12月7日 — Thin volumes are recommended if you need to create multiple volumes and share the storage pool space efficiently between them. Thin volumes are ...

What is the difference between Static Volume, Thin ...

2022年7月20日 — ZeroStorage pool space is allocated on-demand, as data is written to the volume. This is called thin provisioning. ... Twenty times the amount of ...


[訂閱]是用來顯示系統內已宣告之儲存空間與實際可用空間的比例。例如,當使用者建立一精簡配置(Thin provisioning)的磁碟區,其宣告空間為10TB,但實際可用空間為1TB, ...


[訂閱] 是用來顯示系統內已宣告之儲存空間與實際可用空間的比例。例如,當使用者建立一精簡配置(Thin provisioning)的磁碟區,其宣告空間為10TB,但實際可用空間 ...


Todeterminetheoptimalamountofover-provisioningforyourSSDs,downloadandrunSSDProfilingToolfromAppCenter.Optional:Configurethealertthreshold ...,2020年1月22日—Thickprovisionedvolumeshaveslightlybetterwriteperformancethanthinbecausethespaceallocationisdoneinadvance.Iusethinprovision ...,2023年12月7日—Thinvolumesarerecommendedifyouneedtocreatemultiplevolumesandsharethestoragepoolspaceefficientlybet...