
TheAppleQuickTimeInstallerisasoftwaretooldevelopedbyAppleQuickTimeInstallerthatenablesuserstoinstalltheQuickTimemediaplayerontheir ...,QuicktimeisafreetechnologythatisstandardacrossAppleandMacproducts.Theplayercomespre-installedonallMacsandMacbooksandcanbeinstalledfor ...,2016年1月7日—Important:QuickTime7forWindowsisnolongersupportedbyApple.NewversionsofWindowssince2009haveincludedsupportforth...

Apple QuickTime Installer

The Apple QuickTime Installer is a software tool developed by Apple QuickTime Installer that enables users to install the QuickTime media player on their ...

Download QuickTime - free

Quicktime is a free technology that is standard across Apple and Mac products. The player comes pre-installed on all Macs and Macbooks and can be installed for ...

Download QuickTime 7.7.9 for Windows

2016年1月7日 — Important: QuickTime 7 for Windows is no longer supported by Apple. New versions of Windows since 2009 have included support for the key ...

FAQ > 關於QuickTime結束Windows的支援和EDIUS的使用

執行QuickTimeInstaller.exe。 3.系統將提示您選擇安裝的方法,請選擇自定義。 4.於QuickTimePlayer單擊鼠標右鍵,然後選擇[將無法使用完整功能]。 5.安裝選項的要點 ...


QuickTime Developed by Apple Inc - Windows - setup file quicktimeinstaller.exe (39.96 MB) - Shareware.

Quicktime Installer

For some codecs in EDIUS, Apple Quicktime is necessary to be installed on your System. Here is the Download Link to Quicktime: Quicktime Installer (Link to ...

QuickTime v7.7.9 最新版(Windows 版)

軟體下載:按這裡; 軟體介紹與使用說明:https://briian.com/6071/quicktime.html · QuickTimeInstaller.exe (2016-3-1 16:34 上傳). 39.96 MB, 閱讀權限: 20, 下載次數 ...

下載Windows 版QuickTime 7.7.9 (台灣)

2014年2月25日 — 重要事項:Apple 已不再支援Windows 版QuickTime 7。2009 年之後的新版Windows 已支援H.264 和AAC 等QuickTime 7 啟用的主要媒體格式。

如何下載並修復QuickTimeInstaller.exe 錯誤

2023年12月2日 — QuickTimeInstaller.exe,也稱為QuickTime Installer 檔案,由Micro Research II 創建,用於開發QuickTime。EXE files 屬於Win32 EXE (可執行的應用程式) ...


Please follow steps below to re-install QuickTime software: Remove QuickTime from [Control Panel] (Please do not skip this step.) Run QuickTimeInstaller.exe ...