Half Taiwanese grows up in both US and Taiwan

由CMChen著作·2019·被引用2次—ThisstudythusaimedtoexplorethedevelopmentofracecategorizationinTaiwaneseschool-agedchildrenandadultsusingamorphingfaceparadigmtoenable ...,ChallengeTaiwanisAsia'slargestlongdistancetriathlonfestivalwithover8000athletes...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Asian or Caucasian? Exploring the Development of Race ...

由 CM Chen 著作 · 2019 · 被引用 2 次 — This study thus aimed to explore the development of race categorization in Taiwanese school-aged children and adults using a morphing face paradigm to enable ...

Challenge Taiwan

Challenge Taiwan is Asia's largest long distance triathlon festival with over 8000 athletes and is based in beautiful Taitung.

Demographics of Taiwan

The ROC government reports that 95 to 97 percent of Taiwan's population is of the Han Chinese ethnicity, which includes Hoklo, Hakka, and other ethnic groups ...

Exploring the Other

由 HY Hsu 著作 · 被引用 10 次 — The other-race effect (ORE) refers to the phenomenon that we can discriminate own-race faces better than other- race faces. The present study aims to ...

PEOPLE - Taiwan.gov.tw

Taiwan is a multicultural society comprising diverse Han subgroups, as well as Indigenous Malayo- Polynesian peoples and immigrants from all over the world.

Race and identity in Taiwan - Euroview

2020年7月1日 — The “Four Great Ethnic Groups” are waishengren (外省人, or foreign-born), benshengren (本省人, or locally-born), Hakka (客家人), and indigenous ...

Runner's Plaza :

Race Events in Taiwan ; *2024 Dahu Shinkai Trail Run * ; Shengang Dist. Lychee Fruit Marathon ; 2024 tSt Summer Kid Aquathlon ; 7月, 2024 Yunlin Half Marathon ...

Taiwanese people

According to government figures, over 95% of Taiwan's population of 23.4 million consists of Han Taiwanese, while 2.3% are Austronesian Taiwanese indigenous ...

台灣、中國、世界的一角,Where Are You From?

2016年8月2日 — 很難用英文解釋華人(Chinese)和中國人(Chinese)的不同,最後,我只能說:"I am Taiwanese national, yet culturally and ethnically Chinese."(我 ...


由CMChen著作·2019·被引用2次—ThisstudythusaimedtoexplorethedevelopmentofracecategorizationinTaiwaneseschool-agedchildrenandadultsusingamorphingfaceparadigmtoenable ...,ChallengeTaiwanisAsia'slargestlongdistancetriathlonfestivalwithover8000athletesandisbasedinbeautifulTaitung.,TheROCgovernmentreportsthat95to97percentofTaiwan'spopulationisoftheHanChineseethnicity,whichincludesHoklo,Hakka,andother...