Windows 10 微軟新一代輕量瀏覽器 Spartan 斯巴達

Windows 10 微軟新一代輕量瀏覽器 Spartan 斯巴達

Windows 10 發表會曝光了新一代瀏覽器 Spartan,這瀏覽的確令人期待,IE 早就已經被大家數落許久,不過不得不說還是有非常多的 IE 用戶,甚至很多人到現在也只會用 IE,只有比較依賴網路的族群才會選擇額外的瀏覽器。Spartan 斯巴達的開發或許就是在彌補大家對於 IE 的不滿,因為 IE 不管再怎麼版本升級終究還是 IE,大家就是不愛用~這也是沒辦法的事!現在我們可以在 Windows 10 系統當中開啟隱藏版的 Spartan,搶先來體驗是否真的比較快速呢?

Windows 10 Project Spartan

在網址列輸入 about:flags 打開設定頁面。

Windows 10 Project Spartan

Enable Experimental Web Platform Features 預設的選項為 Automatic 也就是 Disabled 的狀態,手動調整為 Enabled 來開啟 Spartan 體驗版的功能,Apple Changes 套用設定後重新開啟瀏覽器,這樣一來就大功告成囉!到底有沒有快速呢?有的請回報唷!

Windows 10 安裝步驟教學,第一次安裝就上手!

Spartan Browser

Spartan Browser 相關文章



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2015年4月6日 - The most recent Windows 10 Technical Preview comes with Spartan, a web browser that will eventually replace Internet Explorer. It’s not ...

Microsoft's Project Spartan Browser Is Now Available for Download ...

2015年3月31日 - Microsoft's radically redesigned web browser, Project Spartan, was released to the public in "preview mode" on Tuesday, giving users an early ...

Microsoft Edge Web Browser | Official Site

Microsoft Edge is the new browser built for Windows 10. Edge is faster, safer & gives you longer battery life. Stream 4K & take notes on web pages. Try it now.

Hands on

2015年3月31日 - Microsoft's latest browser, Project Spartan, is keeping its promise so far. On Monday night it became available as the main draw of Build 10049 ...

Microsoft Spartan browser vs. Google Chrome vs. Firefox vs. IE

2015年4月14日 - Microsoft's upcoming Spartan browser is set to be the first big new release in the desktop browser market for quite some time, upsetting a ...

Download microsoft spartan browser

Download microsoft spartan browser - Spartan Multi Clipboard 8.00: Multi clipboard and orgaiizer., and much more programs.

'Project Spartan' no more

2015年4月29日 - Microsoft gives a real name to its new web browser and shows off extension support.

Microsoft's “Project Spartan” browser is now called Microsoft Edge ...

2015年4月29日 - SAN FRANCISCO—Windows 10 is coming with lots of new features, and one of the biggest is Project Spartan. This new browser comes with an ...