
RDesc·DownloadmanagerforMegaupload,Rapidshare,zShare..·InformationaboutRDesc2.30·DiscoverInternetapps.Seemore.,2010年8月17日—RDesccanmonitortheWindowsClipboardfordownloadlinks,andalsoscanagivenwebpageinsearchofrelevantlinks.Eitherway,RDesccreates ...,RDescallowssimultaneousdownloadsfromthefollowingmedia:Rapidshare.com,Megaupload,Mediafire,4Shared,Easy-Share,Gigasize,HotFile,DepositFiles, ...,r...

Download RDesc 2.30 for Windows

RDesc · Download manager for Megaupload, Rapidshare, zShare.. · Information about RDesc 2.30 · Discover Internet apps. See more.


2010年8月17日 — RDesc can monitor the Windows Clipboard for download links, and also scan a given webpage in search of relevant links. Either way, RDesc creates ...

RDesc for Windows

RDesc allows simultaneous downloads from the following media: Rapidshare.com, Megaupload, Mediafire, 4Shared, Easy-Share, Gigasize, HotFile, DepositFiles, ...

rdesc function

rdesc: Robust Descriptives. Description. Robust Descriptives. Usage. rdesc(data, vars, splitBy = NULL, mean = TRUE, trim = TRUE, tr = 0.2, win = FALSE, wl = 0.2 ...

rdesc function - Simulate Descriptives

rdesc: Simulate Descriptives: Continuous. Description. Simulate a Data Frame containing descriptive statistics summarizing a continuous data. Usage. rdesc(n.grp ...

RDesc Portable

RDesc Portable can monitor the Windows Clipboard for download links, and also scan a given webpage in search of relevant links. Either way, RDesc creates a ...

RDesc Portable 版

2023年2月20日 — RDesc Portable 可以监控Windows 剪贴板中的下载链接,还可以扫描给定网页以搜索相关链接。无论哪种方式,RDesc 都会创建一个下载队列并从头到尾控制整个 ...

RDesc 版

2023年2月20日 — RDesc 可以监控Windows 剪贴板中的下载链接,还可以扫描给定的网页寻找相关链接。无论哪种方式,RDesc 都会创建一个下载队列并从头到尾控制整个过程:开始 ...


A simple model of an automated emergency braking system using the ultrasonic module HC-SR04, a TI (Texas Intrument) MSP430 16-bit micro-controller, ...