
6 ways to improve your Grammarly readability score

How to improve your readability score on Grammarly · 1. Cut down lengthy sentences · 2. Replace complex words with simpler ones · 3. Avoid fluff · 4. Be as ...

Grammarly Readability Score Review

Grammarly's Readability Score is based on an algorithm that doesn't take into account subtle or nuanced use of language. Although it does look at sentence ...

Grammarly Readability Score

2023年4月11日 — A readability score of 60 or higher is considered a good score on Grammarly. The higher the readability score, the easier it is to read your ...

How Grammarly's Performance Reports Make You ...

2020年5月27日 — Your readability score is a measurement of how easy it will be for your audience to understand your document. A good starting goal is 60 or ...

Readability Guide for Writing

A document's readability score can give you an idea of how easily a reader can understand it based on the length of the sentences and words used in the document ...


2020年9月2日 — It grades writing readability based on a numeric scale from 0 to 100. On top of the Grammarly Editor's other useful functions, it provides you ...

What is Performance and how is it calculated?

The performance score is an indicator of how accurate your document is compared to documents written by other Grammarly users who set the same goals you did ...

Writing for the Web

2023年1月10日 — We scored an 82 inside of grammarly but you can see where it shows only the readability score of a 67 inside of the overall score. grammarly ...


HowtoimproveyourreadabilityscoreonGrammarly·1.Cutdownlengthysentences·2.Replacecomplexwordswithsimplerones·3.Avoidfluff·4.Beas ...,Grammarly'sReadabilityScoreisbasedonanalgorithmthatdoesn'ttakeintoaccountsubtleornuanceduseoflanguage.Althoughitdoeslookatsentence ...,2023年4月11日—Areadabilityscoreof60orhigherisconsideredagoodscoreonGrammarly.Thehigherthereadabilityscore,theeasieritistoreadyour ...