
transitiveverb:tocolor(something)againoranewFiveofthedesignswerekeptandinsomecasesrecolored,otherswerecreatedfromscratch.,Recoloredisasoftwareapplicationthathelpsyouwiththeotherwisedifficultandtimeconsumingtaskofcolorizingblackandwhitephotos ...,Thisismodthataddssmallbrushitem,thatcanbedyed,andusedtocolorizeotherblocks,byrightclickingthem.Alsoaddscolorizingtable,andpainter( ...,recolor...vt.給...

RECOLOR Definition & Meaning - Merriam

transitive verb : to color (something) again or anew Five of the designs were kept and in some cases recolored, others were created from scratch.


Recolored is a software application that helps you with the otherwise difficult and time consuming task of colorizing black and white photos ...

Recolored - Minecraft Mods

This is mod that adds small brush item, that can be dyed, and used to colorize other blocks, by right clicking them. Also adds colorizing table, and painter ( ...


recolor ... vt. 給……重新著色. Dr.eye 譯典通. recolor.

Recolored 專案:

Behance 是展示和探索創意「recolored」作品的全球最大創意網路.


Welcome to ReColorEd! If you are looking for a creative and powerful approach to breaking cultural barriers in today's ever-changing classrooms, ...


黑白照片变成彩色的工具. Recolored是软件大小为1.3M的图像处理软件。 中文名. Recolored. 软件大小. 1.3 MB. 软件类别. 图像处理. 软件产地. 国产软件. 软件语言.


recolorred clothing - 1of1s and handmade pieces made in berlin.

【recolored下载】2024年最新官方正式版recolored 免费下载

是一款给黑白图像重新上色的软件,使之变为生动的彩色图像。 ... 点击查看更多. 你可能感兴趣. 美图秀秀. AI来袭,你还没用AI提效吗?美图秀秀提供全面的AI智能作图工具, ...

CodeFormer 解鎖圖片馬賽克,AI 人臉復原術

CodeFormer 解鎖圖片馬賽克,AI 人臉復原術

想移除照片中的馬賽克?以前可能很難做到,但是自從AI近年爆發式發展之後,變成了一鍵就能實現,今天小編要跟大家分享的就是 CodeFormer這個AI模型,可以移除馬賽克,讓照片恢復馬賽克前的模樣,此外也能用來修...