
2009年8月31日—SoIsimplywonderifanyoneknowsifWiikey/RegionFriicandothisforretailNAPrimeTrilogyonaPALwii.IreallywanttobuyanNAretail ...,AJavaapplicationtochangetheregionofWiiISOfiles;Version:WiigionFree1.0;license:GPL;Date:May27,2013;platform:Windo...

RegionFrii 1.21

2019年1月17日—Itemdescription:PatchesWiiISOsinanattempttomakethemplayableonforeignregionconsoles.Changelog:Firstly,theregionpatchingis ...

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Can I region switch this game to PAL?

2009年8月31日 — So I simply wonder if anyone knows if Wiikey/RegionFrii can do this for retail NA Prime Trilogy on a PAL wii. I really want to buy an NA retail ...

Download WiigionFree

A Java application to change the region of Wii ISO files ; Version: WiigionFree 1.0 ; license: GPL ; Date: May 27, 2013 ; platform: Windows All ; downloads: 9,690 ...

Making the Wii Regionfrii

2020年5月1日 — If you have Priiloader, you can boot into it and enable Region-Free Everything”.


2022年5月14日 — Regionfrii es uno de esos programas que nos sirven para modificar nuestras .isos antes de ser grabadas, en este caso Regionfrii nos ayudará ...


2010年6月14日 — SYNDiCATE have released a tool that allows you to patch NTSC game images to change their region code to PAL, so they can be played back on PAL ...

RegionFrii 1.21

2019年1月17日 — Item description: Patches Wii ISOs in an attempt to make them playable on foreign region consoles.Changelog:Firstly, the region patching is ...

RegionFrii Wii

RegionFrii is a tool created by SYNDiCATE that allows you to change the region code of NTSC Wii game ISO files to PAL, making them playable on PAL Wii ...

Wii ISO Renamer with RegionFrii

2013年2月28日 — I opened my ISO in WBFS Manager and it is listed as NTSC. But I'm wondering if I did this right. Could it have been the Renamer that made it ...

Wii修改区码RegionFrii下载!地址或传我邮箱~拜托了!50 ...

Wii修改区码RegionFrii下载!地址或传我邮箱~拜托了!50分追加! 30. 写回答有奖励. 提交优质回答,最高可获得现金3元. 查看规则. 收起有奖发布. 问题不好答?加入战队答题 ...


2009年8月31日—SoIsimplywonderifanyoneknowsifWiikey/RegionFriicandothisforretailNAPrimeTrilogyonaPALwii.IreallywanttobuyanNAretail ...,AJavaapplicationtochangetheregionofWiiISOfiles;Version:WiigionFree1.0;license:GPL;Date:May27,2013;platform:WindowsAll;downloads:9,690 ...,2020年5月1日—IfyouhavePriiloader,youcanbootintoitandenableRegion-FreeEverything”.,2022年5月14日—Regionfriiesunodeesosprogram...