王國的興起|Reign Of Kings # 2



Reign Of Kings

Play with your friends online in a fully immersive medieval survival experience. Join a guild and work together or take what you need by raiding and looting.

Reign Of Kings Steam stats

Struggle to survive in a harsh medieval world. Hunt wildlife, mine resources, build structures, and craft weapons and armor in order to protect yourself.

Reign of Kings Wiki

Reign of Kings is a medieval sandbox game where you gather resources, build homes and strongholds, then clash with your competition in brutal, ...

Reign Of Kings

Struggle to survive in a harsh medieval world. Hunt wildlife, mine resources, build structures, and craft weapons and armor in order to protect yourself.

Reign Of Kings on Steam

評分 3.0 (11,925) Struggle to survive in a harsh medieval world. Hunt wildlife, mine resources, build structures, and craft weapons and armor in order to protect yourself.

Reign Of Kings

評分 3.0 (11,925) · 供應中 Struggle to survive in a harsh medieval world. Hunt wildlife, mine resources, build structures, and craft weapons and armor in order to protect yourself.


Reign of Kings is a Medieval survival game with all the classic features; Base-building, tools & equipment, resource gathering etc, all set in the age of ...

They Replaced Reign Of Kings

Is Reign and Ruin going to replace what reign of kings was meant to be? Lets check it out FPS Channel- ...

This game had so much Potential but died.... (Reign Of Kings 2022)

This game really had so much potential it's sad it died and I hope one day we get something similar with new modern game engine stuff.


Playwithyourfriendsonlineinafullyimmersivemedievalsurvivalexperience.Joinaguildandworktogetherortakewhatyouneedbyraidingandlooting.,Struggletosurviveinaharshmedievalworld.Huntwildlife,mineresources,buildstructures,andcraftweaponsandarmorinordertoprotectyourself.,ReignofKingsisamedievalsandboxgamewhereyougatherresources,buildhomesandstrongholds,thenclashwithyourcompetitioninbrutal, ...,Struggle...