


7 天前 · REIGN的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to be the king or queen of a country: 2. to be the main feeling or quality in a situation or…。了解更多。


7 天前 · REIGN翻譯:為王,為君;當政;統治, 主宰;起支配作用;盛行, 為王,為君;當政;統治, 主宰(或支配)的時期。了解更多。 Reignite · Reigning · Reignition

Reign (TV series)

Set in the late 16th century, the series revolves around the life of Mary, Queen of Scots, and her rise to power in the French court. The series stars Adelaide ...

reign (【名詞】統治期間)意思、用法及發音

reign 例句. Emperor Hirohito's reign lasted more than 60 years. The queen's reign lasted for more than sixty years. 女王統治了超過六十年的時間。

reign (【動詞】) 意思、用法及發音

reign 例句. Ruling from 1952 until 2022, Queen Elizabeth II was the longest-reigning monarch in British history. King Henry VIII reigned from 1509 until 1547.


reign · KK[ren]; DJ[rein]. 美式. n. · 統治;支配[U];在位期間,統治時期[C]. vi. 君臨;統治[(+over)];支配;盛行,佔優勢 ; reign · IPA[reɪn]. 美式. 英式. vi. 為王;獨佔鰲頭.

reign 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

reign · v. 起支配作用;主宰;君臨;統治 · n. 主宰(或支配)的時期;在位期間;統治時期 ...

Reign (TV Series 2013–2017)

評分 7.5/10 (56,130) It's a YA romantic drama dressed up in historical costumes. Along with the beautiful and capable younger cast, the show is anchored by veterans Megan Follows ... Reign · Adelaide Kane in Reign (2013) · Seri

REIGN Definition & Meaning - Merriam

4 天前 · 1. a : royal authority : sovereignty under the reign of the Stuart kings b : the dominion, sway, or influence of one resembling a monarch. Synonyms of reign · Rein · Sovereignty


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7天前·REIGN的意思、解釋及翻譯:1.tobethekingorqueenofacountry:2.tobethemainfeelingorqualityinasituationor…。了解更多。,7天前·REIGN翻譯:為王,為君;當政;統治,主宰;起支配作用;盛行,為王,為君;當政;統治,主宰(或支配)的時期。了解更多。Reignite·Reigning·Reignition,Setinthelate16thcentury,theseriesrevolvesaroundthelifeofMary,QueenofScots,andherrisetopowerintheFrenchcourt.TheseriesstarsAdelaide ......