rename for mac
rename for mac

FileRenamertobethefriendliest,fastestbatchfileorfolderrenamingtoolforOSX.Withover6differentrenameoptions,itcanhandlemostrenaming ...,Youneedtorenamemanyfiles?RenamerisabatchfilerenamingappformacOSthatallowsyoutorenamelotsoffilesquicklyandconvenie...

Need a Rename Utility

2022年7月4日—Forsimplerules,justchooseabunchoffilesinFinderthenrightclick>Rename.ForslightlycomplexrulethatinvolvesRegEx,get ...

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在Mac App Store 上的「File Renamer

File Renamer to be the friendliest, fastest batch file or folder renaming tool for OS X. With over 6 different rename options, it can handle most renaming ...


You need to rename many files? Renamer is a batch file renaming app for macOS that allows you to rename lots of files quickly and conveniently.

Rename files, folders, and disks on Mac

Rename multiple items · On your Mac, select the items, then Control-click one of them. · In the shortcut menu, choose Rename. · In the pop-up menu below Rename ...

How to Rename Files in MacOS?

2023年11月29日 — Select the file and right-clickRight-Click on the file name. The option Rename will be present there. Click on that to change the file name.

【Mac 教學】Rename 小秘技快速對大量檔案進行批次修改檔名

2021年10月18日 — 批次修改檔案方法 · 1:如果用戶有大量檔案,先在Finder 選定要改名的檔案。 rename mac00 · 2:再選單按「重新命名」,然後選「格式」,名稱格式選「名稱 ...

A Better Finder Rename 12

A Better Finder Rename is the most powerful and complete Mac file renaming application on the market.

Need a Rename Utility

2022年7月4日 — For simple rules, just choose a bunch of files in Finder then right click > Rename. For slightly complex rule that involves RegEx, get ...


Rename many files at once, simple, powerful... and it's free! · Find and Replace text with wildcard (*) support. · Find and Replace using Regular Expressions.


FileRenamertobethefriendliest,fastestbatchfileorfolderrenamingtoolforOSX.Withover6differentrenameoptions,itcanhandlemostrenaming ...,Youneedtorenamemanyfiles?RenamerisabatchfilerenamingappformacOSthatallowsyoutorenamelotsoffilesquicklyandconveniently.,Renamemultipleitems·OnyourMac,selecttheitems,thenControl-clickoneofthem.·Intheshortcutmenu,chooseRename.·Inthepop-upmenubelowRename ...,2023年11...

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具

ReNamer 7.6 功能超強的免費批次更名工具
