
1.Third-personsingularsimplepresentindicativeformofrequestion.Relatedwords.Source:Wiktionary.안내.TextisavailableundertheCreativeCommons ...,REQUEST翻譯:(禮貌、正式的)要求,請求,點播的歌(或節目等),(禮貌、正式的)要求,請求。了解更多。Require·Requester·Requeststop,7天前·REQUISITION翻譯:徵用,徵用。了解更多。,Toquestionagain.Anagrams.edit·questioner.,在AppleMusic上聆聽Physics&Stanza的...


1. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of requestion. Related words. Source : Wiktionary. 안내. Text is available under the Creative Commons ...


REQUEST翻譯:(禮貌、正式的)要求,請求, 點播的歌(或節目等), (禮貌、正式的)要求,請求。了解更多。 Require · Requester · Request stop


7 天前 · REQUISITION翻譯:徵用, 徵用。了解更多。


To question again. Anagrams. edit · questioner.

Requestionjazznaut - Single - Physics & Stanza的專輯

在Apple Music 上聆聽Physics & Stanza的《Requestion/jazznaut - Single》- 2009年・2 首歌曲・長度:9 分鐘.

Understanding 'Requestion'

'Requestion' is a clever fusion of the words 'request' and 'question'. The term is employed when expressing a request in the form of an inconspicuous question.


requisition · n. 正式請求,正式要求[C][U][(+for)];(要求調撥的)申請單;調撥單[C] · vt. 徵用;向……徵用;(書面)申請領取 ...

REQUISITION Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of REQUISITION is the act of formally requiring or calling upon someone to perform an action. How to use requisition in a sentence.


Requestion refers to a request that is phrased as a question. Requestion is an internet slang term that makes an appeal.

Requestion Definition & Meaning

Requestion definition: To question again.