
How to restore the iPhone without downloading the latest version of ...

What you want is to erase all content and settings which returns the device to the setup assist and with the current firmware and software.

How can I restore my iPhone without iTune…

Use the Finder on a Mac (that has been updated to Catalina or newer) to restore, sync, and backup an iPhone.

iPhone Restore without iTunes

Press and quickly release the Volume Down button. Then, press and hold the Side button until you see the recovery mode screen. iPhone 7, iPhone ...

How to Restore iPhone without iTunes (Fast and Easy)

In this post, we'll show you how to restore your iPhone via settings, Finder on a Mac, or using a third-party app, and iCloud to make the process easy and fast.

Restore your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to factory settings using a computer

Restore your device to factory settings · Open the Finder on your Mac, or open the Apple Devices app on your PC. · Connect your device to your computer. · If a ...

If you can't update or restore your iPhone or iPod touch

If you can't update or restore your iPhone or iPod touch, you can put your iOS device in recovery mode, then restore it using your computer.

2 Ways to Restore iPhone in Recovery Mode WithWithout iTunes

iMyFone Fixppo iOS System Recovery lets you restore your iPhone in recovery mode without iTunes. It is reliable and can fix the problem in a ...

Possible to restore an iPhone without iTunes? : rdatarecovery

Wiped the phone to factory and for some reason it fails when trying to restore via iTunes. Any third party software that can restore possibly?

How to Restore an iPhone without iTunes: 4 Easy Options

You can easily restore your iPhone by going to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Erase All Content and Settings. If you're locked out ... From Your iPhone's Settings · Using a Mac (macOS Catalina...

Reset any iphone without iTunes without a Computer in just few sec ...

Hello guys welcome back to the channel, in this video am gonna show you how you can possibly reset an iphone without a computer and also ...


Whatyouwantistoeraseallcontentandsettingswhichreturnsthedevicetothesetupassistandwiththecurrentfirmwareandsoftware.,UsetheFinderonaMac(thathasbeenupdatedtoCatalinaornewer)torestore,sync,andbackupaniPhone.,PressandquicklyreleasetheVolumeDownbutton.Then,pressandholdtheSidebuttonuntilyouseetherecoverymodescreen.iPhone7,iPhone ...,Inthispost,we'llshowyouhowtorestoreyouriPhoneviasettings,FinderonaM...