The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild OST



Rito Village (Day) [From "The Legend of Zelda

Rito Village (Day) [From The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild] [Piano Version] · Recommended based on this song · Popular Tracks by Streaming Music Studios.

Rito Village (Day) - The Legend of Zelda

2017年6月13日 — Rito Village (Day) - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a high quality rip of the Day theme of Rito Village from The Legend of ...

Rito Village (Day) [From "Zelda

Rito Village (Day) [From Zelda: Breath Of The Wild] [For Piano Solo] is a very emotional song by Manaka Kataoka with a tempo of 75 BPM.

Rito Village (Day) [From "The Legend of Zelda

Streaming Music Studios的歌曲「Rito Village (Day) [From The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild] [Piano Version]」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。

Rito Village (Day) - Zelda Wiki

Rito Village (Day) is associated with the eponymous location, Rito Village. It has the same melody as Dragon Roost Island's in The Wind Waker.


RitoVillage(Day)[FromTheLegendofZelda:BreathoftheWild][PianoVersion]·Recommendedbasedonthissong·PopularTracksbyStreamingMusicStudios.,2017年6月13日—RitoVillage(Day)-TheLegendofZelda:BreathoftheWildisahighqualityripoftheDaythemeofRitoVillagefromTheLegendof ...,RitoVillage(Day)[FromZelda:BreathOfTheWild][ForPianoSolo]isaveryemotionalsongbyManakaKataokawithatempoof75BPM.,StreamingMusicStudios的歌...
