
Windows RT 8.1 Development Tool V3.0 BUILD 0619

Windows RT 8.1 Development Tool V3.0 BUILD 0619 ; Language: English ; Item Size: 26.6K ; Addeddate: 2021-12-03 08:08:51 ; Identifier: windows-rt-8.1 ...


This package allows you to install (or uninstall) the 'Golden Keys' unlock on a Windows RT device using only a USB drive. You do not need a Windows ...

Jailbreak Exploits

Discusses Microsoft's strict lock-down on running Win32 applications.

Tegra Jailbreak USB

An all-in-on package for Tegra based Windows RT tablets (ASUS VivoTab RT, Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 11, Microsoft Surface RT & Microsoft Surface 2)

Easy Windows RT Jailbreak

An all in one program to jailbreak Windows RT tablets using the method that the original researcher discovered earlier this week.

Jailbreaking surface RT

I am trying to jailbreak my surface RT. I have searched through the Internet and found a jailbreak tool (by netham45) but unfortunately it doesn't work, and it ...

Guide to Jailbreak the Surface RT 1 and 2.

I made this guide with my experience on jailbreaking the surface rt, 1 and 2 (i have a lot of them, lol) and i hope this helps someone jailbreaking theirs.

Jailbreak for Windows RT

... jailbreak Windows RT. This jailbreak allows unsigned ARM Desktop apps. Enjoy. NOTE: This jailbreak DOES NOT allow all Desktop x86 apps to ...

Windows RT 8.1 - Jailbreak Sign Tool

This tool will sign every exe and dll files in all sub folders if you select Sign folder! Best of all: It also runs on Windows RT directly :) Have fun!

[Release] RT Jailbreak Tool

RT Jailbreak Tool By Netham45, Version 1.20 An all-in-one program to jailbreak Windows RT tablets using the method recently released by ...


WindowsRT8.1DevelopmentToolV3.0BUILD0619;Language:English;ItemSize:26.6K;Addeddate:2021-12-0308:08:51;Identifier:windows-rt-8.1 ...,Thispackageallowsyoutoinstall(oruninstall)the'GoldenKeys'unlockonaWindowsRTdeviceusingonlyaUSBdrive.YoudonotneedaWindows ...,DiscussesMicrosoft'sstrictlock-downonrunningWin32applications.,Anall-in-onpackageforTegrabasedWindowsRTtablets(ASUSVivoTabRT,LenovoIdeaPadY...