
Build and run your app

This overview focuses on how to use Android Studio to build and run your app for testing and debugging.

Run apps on a hardware device

Learn how to set up your development environment and Android device for testing and debugging over an Android Debug Bridge (ADB) connection.

Phone is there but not showing the app

I solve the problem by installing intel X86 emulator acelerator(HAXM installer). go to sdk tools and once check on the check box choose to install.

Android Studio

However, if I try to do it with Android Studio, it gets stuck on 'Installing APKs'. The same happens when I try to start it in an emulator (gets ...

Android app installed but not showing on phone

Attach your phone to the computer · Go here: C:-android-sdk-windows-tools · Open up Monitor.bat · Launch the program and save the logs.

Run as android application is missing - java

I need to go to Run configuration, click on Android application, make a copy, put the name of my project on the copy and the run it. Then it run ...

The Run As

Click the Command Groups Availability tab, and make sure that Launch is checked. Also go to Project > Properties > Run/Debug Settings and ...

Fix an installed Android app that isn't working

Fix an installed Android app that isn't working · Step 1: Restart & update · Step 2: Check for a larger app issue.

Android Studio

I try to do it with Android Studio, it gets stuck on 'Installing APKs'. The same happens when I try to start it in an emulator (gets stuck on 'Waiting for ...

Running Your Android Application on an Android Device

Verify that your Android device is listed, typically under Portable Devices. If your device is not listed, right-click any node and select Scan for hardware ...

