
Samsung Galaxy Note 7

Battery explosions and recalls · Initial reports · First recall · Issues with replacement phones · Second recall and subsequent discontinuation · Disabling of ...

Samsung Note 7 Failure Case Study

The explosion of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 resulted in the recall of the phones. The phones that were overheating were analyzed to establish the ...

[Infographic] Galaxy Note7

The batteries were the cause of the Galaxy Note7 incidents. The causative factors are further explained in the infographic below.

Samsung confirms battery faults as cause of Note 7 fires

Samsung's probe into its Galaxy Note 7 fiasco has found that the overheating and burning of the phones was caused by faults with their batteries.

Samsung Explains Note 7 Battery Explosions, And Turns Crisis Into ...

Samsung had to initiate a recall in September of the first version of the Note 7 due to faulty batteries that overheated and exploded.

Samsung Finally Explains the Galaxy Note 7 Exploding Battery Mess

The company said at a news conference Monday morning in South Korea that two separate problems with its lithium-ion batteries were to blame for the fires.

Samsung Finally Reveals Why the Note 7 Kept Exploding

Samsung disclosed its lengthy findings as to what caused the device's batteries to overheat and catch fire.

Note 7 Battery Explosion!! CAUGHT LIVE ON CAMERA!!

Why does the Note 7 explode? This video will explain why Samsung recalled over 2 Million of their Note 7 Android Smart Phones.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7: The Explosive Recall That ...

Samsung Galaxy Note 7: The Explosive Recall That Shook Samsung to Its Core! #samsung #GalaxyNote7. 3.7K views · 4 months ago ...more. Penji.

三星Galaxy Note 7

,三星電子召開發布會,公布Galaxy Note 7起火事件調查結果。 根據調查報告, 三星認定Galaxy Note 7的爆炸原因在於電池正負極材料的隔離做得太薄所致,以至於無法承受日常使用應力而破裂,最終短路導致不可控制的爆炸 。 隨後三星電子無線事業部總裁高東真就此事件表示痛心和抱歉。


Batteryexplosionsandrecalls·Initialreports·Firstrecall·Issueswithreplacementphones·Secondrecallandsubsequentdiscontinuation·Disablingof ...,TheexplosionoftheSamsungGalaxyNote7resultedintherecallofthephones.Thephonesthatwereoverheatingwereanalyzedtoestablishthe ...,ThebatterieswerethecauseoftheGalaxyNote7incidents.Thecausativefactorsarefurtherexplainedintheinfographicbelow.,Samsung'sprobeintoit...