
13 Best USB Flash Drives (2024)

2024年8月11日 — In our tests, the speeds matched what SanDisk advertises (420 megabytes per second read, 380 MB/s write), making it ideal for anyone regularly ...

16GB Black SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0 Flash Drive

With transfer speeds of up to 130MB/s the SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0 Flash Drive reduces the time you'll spend waiting for files to move from the flash drive to your ...

Best Flash Drives 2024

2024年8月28日 — Read speeds were, at least, much faster at more than 300 MB/s. SanDisk Extreme Pro (128GB): While SanDisk's high-end drive performed well ...

Best USB-C Flash Drives with USB

2023年5月8日 — We tested six 128GB dual flash drives from Kingston, Lexar, PNY, and Sandisk. These USB 3.2 Gen. 1 drives serve as a bridge between USB-C and legacy USB-A PCs.

Fastest USB flash drive benchmark test 2024

Speeds vary widely, with cheaper sticks usually offering slower transfer rates. In general, Verbatim, Intenso and SanDisk tend to perform poorly, with the ...

SanDisk Extreme USB 3.0 16GB SDCZ80

The SanDisk Extreme scored 196/62 MB/s in the sequential read/write tests. This set of results is nothing short of spectacular and is the highest read speed we ...

The 3 Best USB Flash Drives of 2024

2023年8月21日 — The SanDisk Extreme Pro, our runner-up, achieved a 352.85 MB/s read speed and a 320.32 MB/s write speed, which is fast but not quite a match for ...

USB Flash Drives: Discover High

Compare USB Flash Drives. Learn more about USB flash drives, including how they work, how to use them, and how to find the right drive for your favorite ...

USB UserBenchmarks

We highlight the best USB flash drive in terms of balanced performance and value for money using current prices, sequential read, sequential write , 4k read ...


2024年8月11日—Inourtests,thespeedsmatchedwhatSanDiskadvertises(420megabytespersecondread,380MB/swrite),makingitidealforanyoneregularly ...,Withtransferspeedsofupto130MB/stheSanDiskUltraUSB3.0FlashDrivereducesthetimeyou'llspendwaitingforfilestomovefromtheflashdrivetoyour ...,2024年8月28日—Readspeedswere,atleast,muchfasteratmorethan300MB/s.SanDiskExtremePro(128GB):WhileSanDisk'shigh-enddriveperf...

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Temple 1.17 查看 USB 裝置資訊的小工具
