

評分 4.9 (180,787) · 免費 · iOS SoundHound makes it simple to identify music playing around you. Whether you're in the car or out and about — open the app, hit the big orange SoundHound button ...

Song stuck in your head? Just hum to search

On your mobile device, open the latest version of the Google app or find your Google Search widget, tap the mic icon and say “what's this song?” ... Google Search widget · Google · Google BERT · Prabhakar Raghavan

Shazam: Find Music & Concerts

評分 4.8 (10,850,476) · 免費 · Android Shazam can identify songs playing around you or in other apps, even with headphones on. Discover artists, song lyrics, and upcoming concerts—all for free.

SoundHound - Music Discovery

評分 4.2 (928,980) · 免費 · Android Music discovery, identification, & voice-controlled player with 300M+ downloads ... - Type in the lyrics or use voice search, and we'll find the song for you!

Find out what song plays near you - Android

Use the Google app to name a song On your Android device, open the Google app . In the search bar, tap Mic. Search a song. Play a song or hum, whistle, or sing the melody of a song.

Use Google Voice Search

On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google app Google Search . · Tap the Microphone Mic . · To search for anything on Google Search Search , use your voice.

Identify Songs Online - Music Recognition Online

Identify songs online. Upload & recognize music in audio & video files, submit direct URL or Youtube URL of media, or identify songs by recording online.

AHA Music - Song Finder for Browser

Song Finder for Browser. RECORD. HUM/SING. Click to recognize. Recognizing... Play some music and click the. button to recognize songs now.


Identify the music playing around you. Explore the music you love. Discover songs, lyrics, and artists on Shazam.

SoundHound Music App

Discover, Search, and Play Any Song by Using Just Your Voice​​ It doesn't matter if you're at home, in your car, or anywhere else. Just open the app, hit the big ...


評分4.9(180,787)·免費·iOSSoundHoundmakesitsimpletoidentifymusicplayingaroundyou.Whetheryou'reinthecaroroutandabout—opentheapp,hitthebigorangeSoundHoundbutton ...,Onyourmobiledevice,openthelatestversionoftheGoogleapporfindyourGoogleSearchwidget,tapthemiciconandsay“what'sthissong?” ...GoogleSearchwidget·Google·GoogleBERT·PrabhakarRaghavan,評分4.8(10,850,476)·免費·AndroidShazamcanidentifysongspla...

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具
