Meeting Ryan Lochte & Sephora Haul from August 2012 Vegas Trip!



Sephora Hong Kong closed

Terrible headline aside, the very serious news this post brings you is that Sephora is closing in Hong Kong.

Sephora in Hong Kong Closing Down

Until the end of March when the store closes, items are up to 70% off. You might just be able to pick up an amazing beauty bargain!


經常獲得美容界KOL們大力推介的Drunk Elephant,是Sephora相當暢銷的護膚品牌。創辦人Tiffany Masterson於2012 年創立,全線產品均添加初榨漆樹果仁油 ...


LVMH-owned cosmetics retailer Sephora returns to Hong Kong after nine years with outlet in IFC Mall ... 2012 to US$3.9 billion in 2018, while make ...


Sephora, where beauty beats. Discover the best in makeup, skin care, and more from a wide selection of beauty brands. Free shipping for orders above HK$350.

OMG Is Here At Sephora!

2012年,Marvin決定將國際經驗帶回香港,並在花費五年時間後,終於在東京找到能夠達成她的品牌願景的研究團隊及實驗室,打造含有高效護膚級成分、能夠在家中實現沙龍級護理的 ...


絲芙蘭(SEPHORA)於1970年在法國巴黎成立,主營連鎖化妝品店鋪,1997年併入酩悅·軒尼詩-路易·威登集團(LVMH - Moët Hennessy · Louis Vuitton S.A.)。


美國護膚品牌Drunk Elephant是Sephora的長期熱賣護膚品牌之一,品牌於2012年由Tiffany Masterson創立,主打「無毒護膚」,護膚產品均有添加初榨漆樹果仁油,且 ...

Sephora Hong Kong (@sephorahk) • Instagram photos and videos

55K Followers, 160 Following, 5122 Posts - Sephora Hong Kong (@sephorahk) on Instagram: WE BELONG TO SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL

Sephora no mora…

Terrible headline aside, the very serious news this post brings you is that Sephora is closing in Hong Kong.


Terribleheadlineaside,theveryseriousnewsthispostbringsyouisthatSephoraisclosinginHongKong.,UntiltheendofMarchwhenthestorecloses,itemsareupto70%off.Youmightjustbeabletopickupanamazingbeautybargain!,經常獲得美容界KOL們大力推介的DrunkElephant,是Sephora相當暢銷的護膚品牌。創辦人TiffanyMasterson於2012年創立,全線產品均添加初榨漆樹果仁油 ...,LVMH-ownedcosmeticsretailerSephorareturnstoHongKongaftern...

Hourglass 1.6 簡單實用的倒數計時小工具

Hourglass 1.6 簡單實用的倒數計時小工具
