Shadow Warrior 2 Review | PS4, Xbox One, PC

評分4.5(23,184)Reviews.“ShadowWarrior2isanenergeticshoot'n'lootwithgreatmeleeandrangedcombat,co-op,andapileofdirtyjokes.”“ThemoreyouputintoShadow ...,評分3.0·RickLane·ShadowWarrior'ssurprisingnewdirectionmakesthesequelariotousblast,thoughitcan'tq...。參考影片的文章的如下:


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評分 4.5 (23,184) Reviews. “Shadow Warrior 2 is an energetic shoot 'n' loot with great melee and ranged combat, co-op, and a pile of dirty jokes.” “The more you put into Shadow ...

Shadow Warrior 2 review

評分 3.0 · Rick Lane · Shadow Warrior's surprising new direction makes the sequel a riotous blast, though it can't quite live up to its predecessor.

Shadow Warrior 2 Review

評分 8.6/10 · Leif Johnson · Shadow Warrior 2 Review ... Shadow Warrior 2 is an energetic shoot 'n' loot with great melee and ranged combat, co-op, and a pile of dirty jokes.

Shadow Warrior 2 Reviews

評分 78% (63) Shadow Warrior 2 is amazing. The shift from linear to semi-open-world shooter hasn't hurt the game since the action remains constant and adheres to the classic ...

Shadow Warrior 2 Review

There was some stutter, which I will talk about more later, but never any tearing. I am unsure why the recordings show this, and while some ...

Shadow Warrior 2 review

評分 3.5 · Hayden Dingman · Improvements to combat and a raft of new visual gags don't make up for Shadow Warrior 2's flaccid story and aimless levels.

Shadow Warrior 2 Review Thread : rGames

Shadow Warrior 2 is a smart evolution of the solid framework established in the first game. Bigger guns, nastier enemies, grander levels and ...

The Curious Case of Shadow Warrior 2 : rpatientgamers

Shadow Warrior 2 features an addictive mission cycle that mixes the satisfaction of a looter shooter with a rewarding sense of character progression.

Wot I Think: Shadow Warrior 2

Shadow Warrior 2 is anarchic, excessive, ridiculous, occasionally spectacular and almost entirely wonderful. Shadow Warrior 2 is out later today ...

Shadow Warrior 2 Review

Shadow Warrior 2 reviewed by Leif Johnson on PC. Coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in first quarter 2017. Watch more reviews here!


評分4.5(23,184)Reviews.“ShadowWarrior2isanenergeticshoot'n'lootwithgreatmeleeandrangedcombat,co-op,andapileofdirtyjokes.”“ThemoreyouputintoShadow ...,評分3.0·RickLane·ShadowWarrior'ssurprisingnewdirectionmakesthesequelariotousblast,thoughitcan'tquiteliveuptoitspredecessor.,評分8.6/10·LeifJohnson·ShadowWarrior2Review...ShadowWarrior2isanenergeticshoot'n'lootwithgreatmeleeandrangedcombat,co-op,a...