How to Use SHAREit to Transfer Files from PC to Android

2024年2月29日—-VisittheChromeWebStore.-Inthesearchbar,typeShareitForPC,Windows,andMac.-Clickontheextensionwhenitappearsinthe ...,SHAREitisthefastestcross-platformappforAndroid,iOS,PC&Mac.SHAREitallowsyoutotransfervideo,music,filesandappsfromonede...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Shareit For PC, Windows and Mac Download

2024年2月29日 — - Visit the Chrome Web Store. - In the search bar, type Shareit For PC, Windows, and Mac. - Click on the extension when it appears in the ...

Download SHAREit App for Android, PC and iOS

SHAREit is the fastest cross-platform app for Android, iOS, PC & Mac. SHAREit allows you to transfer video, music, files and apps from one device to another.

SHAREit for Windows and Android Vulnerabilities

Description: SHAREit for Windows and Android is an application that may be preloaded on some Think, IdeaPad or Lenovo notebook computers or Lenovo mobile ...

SHAREit: Transfer, Share Files

2024年1月18日 — 是時候分享了! 使用SHAREit 檔案傳輸應用程式共用檔案、應用程式、遊戲、影片、照片、音樂、錄音、文件等。作為一款超快速且安全的大型檔案傳輸應用 ...

SHAREit: Transfer, Share Files

2024年1月18日 — It's time to Share it! Share files, apps, games, videos, photos, music, recordings, documents and more with the SHAREit file transfer app.


SHAREit is an app to send pictures, music, and more, to other devices without using an active internet or Bluetooth connection. This free program uses a private ...

Download SHAREit - free

The programme is free of charge and is compatible with Windows, Lenovo, Android, iOS and many other types of popular platforms and has a solid reputation for ...

SHAREit for Windows

SHAREit is a PC program that allows you to transfer files between your computer and an Android device, even without an Internet connection.


2024年2月29日—-VisittheChromeWebStore.-Inthesearchbar,typeShareitForPC,Windows,andMac.-Clickontheextensionwhenitappearsinthe ...,SHAREitisthefastestcross-platformappforAndroid,iOS,PC&Mac.SHAREitallowsyoutotransfervideo,music,filesandappsfromonedevicetoanother.,Description:SHAREitforWindowsandAndroidisanapplicationthatmaybepreloadedonsomeThink,IdeaPadorLenovonotebookcomputersorLenovomobile ...