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ShareX. 国内直接从官网 下载比较困难,需要一些技术手段。这里提供一个国内的镜像下载地址列表,方便网友下载。

Patch Repository

Patch Name, ShareX-12.3.0-setup.exe. Patch Description, shareX (12.3.0). Bulletin Id, TU-775. Bulletin Title, Updates for ShareX. Severity, Moderate.

ShareX is crashing on screenshot save after update to 12.3.0 #3764

Hi, I'm using ShareX on couple PCs. After automatic update to v12.3.0 it is crashing when I'm trying to save screenshot from Image Editor ...

Downloading ShareX 12.3.0 from

ShareX is a free and open-source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key.


ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. Downloads · Screenshots · Changelog · Donate


ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key.

ShareX 12.3.0 免安裝中文版

內建圖片上傳功能的螢幕擷圖軟體- ShareX,結合了螢幕擷圖、檔案上傳軟體的功能,抓完電腦螢幕後,可以直接上傳圖片分享網站,也可以將檔案上傳檔案分享網站,並且事先設定 ...


ShareX.国内直接从官网下载比较困难,需要一些技术手段。这里提供一个国内的镜像下载地址列表,方便网友下载。,PatchName,ShareX-12.3.0-setup.exe.PatchDescription,shareX(12.3.0).BulletinId,TU-775.BulletinTitle,UpdatesforShareX.Severity,Moderate.,Hi,I'musingShareXoncouplePCs.Afterautomaticupdatetov12.3.0itiscrashingwhenI'mtryingtosavescreenshotfromImageEditor ...,ShareX...

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