Add a Signature Block. Learn How to Create an Email ...

Signatureblocksareusedtoattachthename,address,phonenumber,and/orotherimportantinformationrelatedtothesenderofamessage.Theyfunction ...,用戶用於簽章與身分鑑別的私密金鑰絕不可被託管、歸檔或備份;用戶所屬的憑證機構得要求託管、歸檔或備份職務上用來加...。參考影片的文章的如下:


What is a signature block?

Signature blocks are used to attach the name, address, phone number, and/or other important information related to the sender of a message. They function ...

signature block - 英中


Signature block

A signature block is a personalized block of text automatically appended at the bottom of an email message, Usenet article, or forum post.

What is a Signature Block? - Help Center

A signature block is the text surrounding a signature, that gives that signature context and provides additional information. Signature blocks ...

[PDF] Signature Blocks

Drafting the Signature Block of an Entity. • First, make sure that you have the correct names for each of the parties. • Second, if an entity is signing, ...

What is Signature Block: Purpose, Components, and Types

A signature block is the text that surrounds a signature in a document. It typically includes the name of the signer, the date, position, or ...

Add a signature line

In Word, type the signature block that you want to save. Or, insert the image of your signature and type the additional information that you want to include.

How to add a digital signature block to PDF | Acrobat Sign

Choose the Add a Signature block icon from the tools ribbon. Move your cursor to where you want to place the block and click. Click outside the new ...

signature block - Chinese translation

Many translated example sentences containing signature block – Chinese-English dictionary and search engine for Chinese translations.

What is a signature block, and how is one composed?

A signature block is a personalized block of text that is automatically appended at the bottom of an article, email message, document, or contract.


Signatureblocksareusedtoattachthename,address,phonenumber,and/orotherimportantinformationrelatedtothesenderofamessage.Theyfunction ...,用戶用於簽章與身分鑑別的私密金鑰絕不可被託管、歸檔或備份;用戶所屬的憑證機構得要求託管、歸檔或備份職務上用來加密的私密金鑰。,Asignatureblockisapersonalizedblockoftextautomaticallyappendedatthebottomofanemailmessage,Usenetarticle,orforumpost.,Asignatureblockisth...