
SkyNews-backtohomeskynewslogo·11Mar.cloudy.8°.3°·WatchLive·Home·UK·Politics·World·US·Money·Science,Climate& ...,AmanhasdiedafterbeingattackedbyasharkoffthecoastofaremoteislandtotheeastofNewZealand.JadeKahukore-Dixonhadbeen ...,Asurferwhowentmissi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The hunt begins for the first great white sharks in Irish waters

Sky News - back to home sky news logo · 11 Mar. cloudy. 8°. 3° · Watch Live · Home · UK · Politics · World · US · Money · Science, Climate & ...

Man killed in New Zealand 'great white' shark attack

A man has died after being attacked by a shark off the coast of a remote island to the east of New Zealand. Jade Kahukore-Dixon had been ...

Missing surfer believed to have been killed in shark attack off coast ...

A surfer who went missing off the coast of South Australia is believed to have died in a shark attack, authorities have said. Lance Appleby, 28, ...


Whale watchers in Port San Luis, California, came face to face with a great white shark ... Skip to content. Sky News - back to home sky news logo.


Sharks Top Stories ; Girl , 17, killed by shark while swimming in Queensland. 4 Feb4th February ; Missing surfer believed to have been killed in shark attack. 3 ...

Why are scientists hunting for great white sharks in Ireland?

... close button. Sky's Stephen Murphy explains why the conditions are perfect for hungry sharks. Why you can trust Sky News. Watch Next. US aid ...

Boy, 16, decapitated by shark while fishing in Jamaica

Jahmari Reid was found with his head severed and arm bitten off after going spearfishing off the coast of northern Jamaica, according to local ...

Shark spotted at ocean pool on Sydney's Northern Beaches in ...

1 天前 · Swimmers and surfers on Sydney's Northern Beaches have been evacuated from a ocean pool after a shark was spotted via drones.

Police say missing surfer presumed dead after horror shark attack at ...

3 天前 · Police have confirmed a missing surfer who was mauled by a shark at a popular Western Australian beach is presumed dead.


SkyNews-backtohomeskynewslogo·11Mar.cloudy.8°.3°·WatchLive·Home·UK·Politics·World·US·Money·Science,Climate& ...,AmanhasdiedafterbeingattackedbyasharkoffthecoastofaremoteislandtotheeastofNewZealand.JadeKahukore-Dixonhadbeen ...,AsurferwhowentmissingoffthecoastofSouthAustraliaisbelievedtohavediedinasharkattack,authoritieshavesaid.LanceAppleby,28, ...,WhalewatchersinPortSanLuis,California,cam...