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Which Is Better: More Sleep or Regular Sleep?

Dr. Michael Mosley of the BBC says that an extra hour of sleep makes people healthier, less stressed, and even helps with their memory.

Time for sleep

It's time to sleep: sleep is a verb. It's time for sleep: sleep is a noun. The combination time for + noun is common.

sleeping time vs sleep time (AE)

Senior Member. I think I would use sleeping time only rarely. I might use it to refer to the periods when we are asleep as opposed to awake:

What is the difference between sleep time and sleeping time

@Duzy they are pretty similar. My total sleep time was 8 hours more natural: I slept for 8 hours 8pm is my usual sleeping time.

Sleep Calculator: Ideal Bedtime & Wake Up Times

Our sleep calculator will give you insight into your ideal sleep schedule based on the number of sleep cycles you're likely to attain. Sleep Debt Calculator · Sleep Calculator for Kids · N1: Non Rapid-Eye Movement...

Brain Basics

You cycle through non-REM and REM sleep several times during a typical night, with increasingly longer, deeper REM periods occurring later in the sleep session.

What is considered sleeping in? Relative to the actual time ...

Sleeping in, generally implies, sleeping beyond your daily wake up time. This would mean sleeping longer than normal.

Which is correct, 'time to sleep' or 'time for sleep'?

Time to sleep is right one to use it during sleeping time. Time for sleep can be used like “we hardly had any time for sleep.”

Sleep Time - an overview

Sleep time is derived based on the number of hours slept per night.83 In this sense, sleep time reflects factors such as biological and developmental sleep ...

Here's the Ideal Amount of Sleep by Age for Kids and Adults

The average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep, but that's just a guideline. Here's how to tell how many hours you really need.



在家一直喊無聊、會吹泡泡、好想睡覺的小兔子、每天複習發生事情、起床氣如此大、立體六面拼圖、我今天喜歡打雷的聲音、假裝打電話、閉眼五秒可充電 2Y7M30D-2Y8M6D

在家一直喊無聊、會吹泡泡、好想睡覺的小兔子、每天複習發生事情、起床氣如此大、立體六面拼圖、我今天喜歡打雷的聲音、假裝打電話、閉眼五秒可充電 2Y7M30D-2Y8M6D
