Time for sleep
It's time to sleep: sleep is a verb. It's time for sleep: sleep is a noun. The combination time for + noun is common.
sleeping time vs sleep time (AE)
Senior Member. I think I would use sleeping time only rarely. I might use it to refer to the periods when we are asleep as opposed to awake:
Sleep Calculator: Ideal Bedtime & Wake Up Times
Our sleep calculator will give you insight into your ideal sleep schedule based on the number of sleep cycles you're likely to attain. Sleep Debt Calculator · Sleep Calculator for Kids · N1: Non Rapid-Eye Movement...
Brain Basics
You cycle through non-REM and REM sleep several times during a typical night, with increasingly longer, deeper REM periods occurring later in the sleep session.
Sleep Time - an overview
Sleep time is derived based on the number of hours slept per night.83 In this sense, sleep time reflects factors such as biological and developmental sleep ...