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露露通·含稅金士頓M.22280SATA480GB固態硬碟(SM2280S3G2/480G)讀550M/寫520.5,350.載入更多商品.已經 ...,已售完Kingston'sM.2SATAG2SSDisathinandcompact,case-lessinternalsolid-statedrivethatcombineshighcapacitywithlowpowerconsumptiontoserveasa ...,sm2280...。參考影片的文章的如下:


sm2280s3g2 480g - 人氣推薦- 2025年1月

露露通 · 含稅金士頓M.2 2280 SATA 480GB 固態硬碟(SM2280S3G2/480G) 讀550M/寫520. 5,350. 載入更多商品. 已經 ...

Kingston SM2280S3G2480G 480GB SATA SSD

已售完 Kingston's M.2 SATA G2 SSD is a thin and compact, case-less internal solid-state drive that combines high capacity with low power consumption to serve as a ...

sm2280s3g2 480g

sm2280s3g2 480g ; $ 2,400,000 · Yahoo奇摩拍賣 - 邱湖金寶物館 (88個評價) ; $ 999,999 · Yahoo奇摩拍賣 - 快速服務官方5Cgo五西購物網 (11,970個評價) ; $ 999,999 · Yahoo ...

開箱* 新風尚潮流 * 金士頓480G M.2 SM2280 SATA SSD 固態硬 ...

上購物網看相關的開箱*╯新風尚潮流╭* 金士頓480G M.2 SM2280 SATA SSD 固態硬碟SM2280S3G2/480G 推薦、開箱文、價格,評價、報價、規格,.

[PDF] SSDNow M.2 SATA G2 固態硬碟

Kingston M.2 SATA G2 SSD 是一款輕薄精巧、無外殼的固態硬碟,. 兼具大容量與低耗電量特性,可作為可靠的快取裝置或是O/S 及應用. 程式的主要儲存裝置。

Kingston 金士頓480G M.2 SATA SSD|順發線上購物

已售完 容量:480GB; 傳輸介面:M.2 SATA; 傳輸(讀寫)速度:M.2 2280 SATA G2; 尺寸:M.2 22mmx80mm; 保固:三年. 更詳細規格. 付款方式:. 信用卡/ 行動支付/ ATM轉帳/ 宅配收現.

[PDF] SSDNow M.2 SATA G2 Drive

Kingston's M.2 SATA G2 SSD is a thin and compact, caseless internal solid- state drive that combines high capacity with low power consumption.


特性:. • 节省空间的无壳设计适合超薄计算机使用. • 多用途SFF 接口取代小型mSATA 和mini-PCIe 插槽. • 容量高达480GB1. • M.2 Gen 2 固态硬盘享有5 年有限保固2.

Kingston SM2280S3G2480G SSDNow 480 GB Solid State Drive

Kingston's M.2 SATA G2 SSD is a compact, caseless internal solid-state drive that combines high capacity with low power consumption. Lighter weight than a cased ...


露露通·含稅金士頓M.22280SATA480GB固態硬碟(SM2280S3G2/480G)讀550M/寫520.5,350.載入更多商品.已經 ...,已售完Kingston'sM.2SATAG2SSDisathinandcompact,case-lessinternalsolid-statedrivethatcombineshighcapacitywithlowpowerconsumptiontoserveasa ...,sm2280s3g2480g;$2,400,000·Yahoo奇摩拍賣-邱湖金寶物館(88個評價);$999,999·Yahoo奇摩拍賣-快速服務官方5Cgo五西購物網(11,970個評價);$999,999·Yahoo ...,上購物網看...

為什麼要選擇SSD的硬碟?體驗Kingston SSDNow!

為什麼要選擇SSD的硬碟?體驗Kingston SSDNow!
