
DESCRIPTION.TheSet-SmbServerConfigurationcmdletsetstheServerMessageBlock(SMB)Serviceconfiguration.FormoreinformationonSMBserverandprotocol ...,ThisGet-SmbServerConfigurationPowerShellcommandiscalledduringthecollectionofinventorydatafortheOSFileShare ...,TheSet-SmbServerConfigurationcmdletsetstheServerMessageBlock(SMB)Serviceconfiguration.FormoreinformationonSMBserverandprotocolspecifications, ...

DESCRIPTION. The Set-SmbServerConfiguration cmdlet sets the Server Message Block (SMB) Service configuration. For more information on SMB server and protocol ...

Powershell process Get

This Get-SmbServerConfiguration PowerShell command is called during the collection of inventory data for the OS File Share ...

Set-SmbServerConfiguration (SmbShare)

The Set-SmbServerConfiguration cmdlet sets the Server Message Block (SMB) Service configuration. For more information on SMB server and protocol specifications, ...

Get-SmbServerConfiguration (SmbShare)

Description. The Get-SmbServerConfiguration cmdlet retrieves the Server Message Block (SMB) server configuration. Examples. Example 1: Get SMB server ...

由於SMB 版本不相符,無法加入Active Directory 網域

從提升權限的PowerShell 提示字元中,執行 Get-SmbServerConfiguration 並檢查輸出中的EnableSMB2Protocol 值。如果顯示為停用,則SMB2 和SMB3 皆已停用。

Get-SmbServerConfiguration - PowerShell Command

The Get-SmbServerConfiguration cmdlet retrieves the Server Message Block (SMB) server configuration. Parameters. -CimSession [<CimSession[]>]. Runs the cmdlet ...

Set-SmbServerConfiguration - PowerShell Command

The Set-SmbServerConfiguration cmdlet sets the Server Message Block (SMB) Service configuration. Parameters -AnnounceComment [<String>] Specifies the announce ...

ExamplesResourcesSmbServerConfiguration ...

This example configures all supported SMB Server settings for a node to ensure they are set to known values.

Get-SMBServerConfiguration Error - Any ideas?

I'm getting an error on some servers when I run Get-SMBServerConfiguration. The error is: I'm not finding much through google.