SNES in HD & Wide-Screen

Snes9X是可移植免費軟體的超級任天堂(SNES,SFC參閱譯注1)模擬器。基本上它允許你在個人電腦或工作站上,玩許多設計給使用SNES和SFC的遊戲。包括了部份實際上祇在 ...,BSNESforWindows10/11PC'sisanopensourceSNESemulator(SuperNintendoEntertainmentSystem)thatfoc...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Snes9X 是可移植免費軟體的超級任天堂(SNES,SFC 參閱譯注1) 模擬器。 基本上它允許你在個人電腦或工作站上,玩許多設計給使用SNES 和SFC 的遊戲。包括了部份實際上祇在 ...

Download BSNES for Windows 1011 PC's

BSNES for Windows 10/11 PC's is an open source SNES emulator (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) that focuses on performance, accuracy, friendly UI and ...

Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System ...

Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. This is the official source code repository for the Snes9x project. Releases · · Cheats.h · License

Snes9x for Windows

評分 4.7 (7) · 免費 · Windows Snes9x is a Super Nintendo emulator for Windows that lets Microsoft OS users enjoy the full back catalog of one of the best consoles ever.



Super Nintendo Emulators for Windows - Emu

Mesen is a multi-system emulator for Windows, Linux and macOS. It supports NES, SNES, Game Boy (Color), Game Boy Advance, PC Engine and SMS/Game ...


Snes9x is an excellent Super Nintendo emulator. It has high compatibility with games and is a good choice if your PC isn't fast enough to run higan.


SNES9x - The Best SNES Emulator For Windows 10 (Explained). Gaming · r/Windows10 - SNES9x - The Best SNES Emulator For Windows 10 (Explained).


Snes9x is a portable, freeware Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator. It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super ...


Downloads. break.gif. Here is a list of all the known available mirrors for Snes9x.


Snes9X是可移植免費軟體的超級任天堂(SNES,SFC參閱譯注1)模擬器。基本上它允許你在個人電腦或工作站上,玩許多設計給使用SNES和SFC的遊戲。包括了部份實際上祇在 ...,BSNESforWindows10/11PC'sisanopensourceSNESemulator(SuperNintendoEntertainmentSystem)thatfocusesonperformance,accuracy,friendlyUIand ...,Snes9x-PortableSuperNintendoEntertainmentSystem(TM)emulator.ThisistheofficialsourcecoderepositoryfortheSn...