

The Wireless Stereo Headset for PlayStation®3 brings dynamic sound to your entertainment experience. Please note, wireless products may be affected by the ...

[PDF] Wireless stereo headset 2.0

For further instructions about use of the headset with Windows® or Mac OS, visit eu.playstation.com/ps3/support. Hints. ˎ The headset might not work with some ...

WH-1000XM3 can only use Stereo OR Hands-Free but NOT ...

There are many problems and issues associated with using WH-1000XM3 as a wireless Bluetooth headset paired with a phone or Windows 10 computer, ...

Sony PS4 Wireless Stereo Headset 2.0 and PC compatibility

1- Plug in the USB device to your computer · 2- Right click your Volume menu from your Task Bar (Little area in the bottom right of your screen).

Drivers and Software updates for Wireless Headphones

To download drivers, firmware updates, BIOS, and software, please select your model in the list below, or type the model name in the search box.

Drivers and Software updates for Bluetooth Headphones

Find firmware updates, drivers and software downloads for Bluetooth Headphones.

Drivers and Software updates for Headphones

Select or enter your model to download drivers, firmware updates, BIOS & software. Select your product type. Wireless Headphones · Wired Headphones.

WH-1000XM4 的驅動程式及軟體更新

正在尋找用於連接音訊裝置的驅動程式嗎? 連接至電腦不需要驅動程式。按此深入瞭解。 Support by Sony 行動應用程式.


要下載驅動程式、韌體更新、BIOS 和軟體,請從以下清單選擇型號,或在搜尋方塊中輸入型號名稱。 型號:5. 排序按照:. 熱門程度. 熱門程度; 依字母順序(A 到Z) ...


要下載驅動程式、韌體更新、BIOS 和軟體,請從以下清單選擇型號,或在搜尋方塊中輸入型號名稱。 選擇產品類型. 無線耳機 · 有線耳機 · 耳機擴大機 · 遊戲耳機. 型號:260.


TheWirelessStereoHeadsetforPlayStation®3bringsdynamicsoundtoyourentertainmentexperience.Pleasenote,wirelessproductsmaybeaffectedbythe ...,ForfurtherinstructionsaboutuseoftheheadsetwithWindows®orMacOS,visiteu.playstation.com/ps3/support.Hints.ˎTheheadsetmightnotworkwithsome ...,TherearemanyproblemsandissuesassociatedwithusingWH-1000XM3asawirelessBluetoothheadsetpairedwithaphoneorWindows10comput...