sourcemod下載中:左列[Downloads]下的[Releases]提供正式版本的下載頁面連結。左列[Downloads]下的[Snapshots]提供快照版本的下載頁面連結 ...,SourceModisaHalf-Life2modificationwhichfocusesonservermodification,serveradministration,andpluginwriting.,如何安裝Sourcemod·SourcemodStable下載最新版本的安裝包紅色圖案代表此版本尚未支援該系統平台;請不要下載Dev版本·image·MetaModStable下載最新 ...,我們需要下載So...

【心得】隨意教學文 中: 左列[Downloads] 下的[Releases] 提供正式版本的下載頁面連結。 左列[Downloads] 下的[Snapshots] 提供快照版本的下載頁面連結 ...

SourceMod [Source Engine] [Modding Tools]

SourceMod is a Half-Life 2 modification which focuses on server modification, server administration, and plugin writing.

教學區Chinese_繁體中文Server安裝伺服器與插件 at ...

如何安裝Sourcemod · Sourcemod Stable下載最新版本的安裝包 紅色圖案代表此版本尚未支援該系統平台; 請不要下載Dev版本 · image · MetaMod Stable下載最新 ...

SourceMod 安裝教學(2023221 更新)

我們需要下載SourceMod和Metamod:Source兩樣東西,進去官網後在左邊點Downloads類別下的Stable Builds,選擇Windows的圖示下載(如果是使用Windows ...

Installing SourceModzh

本地安装SourceMod,仅需要把.zip (Windows)或.tar.gz (Linux)文件解压到游戏目录下,比如Counter-Strike(反恐精英)的cstrike目录下、Day of Defeat(胜利之 ...

最新SourceMod 插件下載及安裝教學+ 管理員設置圖解

最好用Notepad++ 這類進階程式編寫軟件來開啟cfg 檔案, 這樣更易於閱讀. P.S : 整段教學片係咪更實際呢?

Downloads - SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language. To view the SourceMod License · Dev Builds · Latest 20 Builds from 1.11...

all - SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language.

All Builds from 1.9 Branch - SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language.

SourceMod: Half

SourceMod (SM) is an HL2 mod which allows you to write modifications for Half-Life 2 with the Small scripting language. Plugins · Downloads page · Dev Builds · About