

SparkNotes, originally part of a website called The Spark, is a company started by Harvard students Sam Yagan, Max Krohn, Chris Coyne, and Eli Bolotin in ...


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SparkNotes,originallypartofawebsitecalledTheSpark,isacompanystartedbyHarvardstudentsSamYagan,MaxKrohn,ChrisCoyne,andEliBolotinin ...,博客來搜尋,作者,關鍵字:SparkNotes,分類:全館,Macbeth(NoFearShakespeareGraphicNovels),KingLear:NoFearShakespeareDeluxeStudentEdition, ...,評分4.7(1,110)GetyourAingear!They'retoday'smostpopularstudyguides-witheverythingyouneedtosucceedinschool.WrittenbyHarvardstuden...

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