
Introducing Project Spartan

2015年3月30日 — Project Spartan is designed to work the way you do, with features enabling you to do cool things like write or type on a webpage. It's a browser ...

Microsoft Introduces Spartan Web Browser For Windows 10

The Spartan Web Browser is designed for both mobile and non-mobile devices and allows for a cross platform synchronization pushing it into the league of ...

Microsoft Spartan Web Browser for Windows 10

2015年1月21日 — This Is 'Project Spartan,' Microsoft's New Web Browser For Windows 10 · It has a new rendering engine. · It has a new look and feel — a ...

Microsoft's 'Spartan' browser makes official debut

2015年1月21日 — The newest competitor to Internet Explorer comes from Microsoft itself. Project Spartan is the company's take on browsing in Windows 10.

Spartan Browser (Microsoft Edge) in Windows 10

2020年1月17日 — Spartan is very fast, reliable and compatible with the other browser. There is also one new feature in Spartan named Cortana. Using Cortana we ...

Spartan Browser Free Download

2015年1月26日 — Spartan™ – Super-Fast Internet and Web Browser. Optimized for Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Yahoo and Google.

This is Microsoft's 'Spartan' browser that will replace Internet ...

2015年4月1日 — Microsoft has given the world its first look at its new Spartan Web browser that will replace Internet Explorer in Windows 10.

“Project Spartan”

2015年4月6日 — Microsoft has introduced Project Spartan for Windows Insiders at March 31. The new browser, which will be the default web experience in ...


2015年3月30日—ProjectSpartanisdesignedtoworkthewayyoudo,withfeaturesenablingyoutodocoolthingslikewriteortypeonawebpage.It'sabrowser ...,TheSpartanWebBrowserisdesignedforbothmobileandnon-mobiledevicesandallowsforacrossplatformsynchronizationpushingitintotheleagueof ...,2015年1月21日—ThisIs'ProjectSpartan,'Microsoft'sNewWebBrowserForWindows10·Ithasanewrenderingengine.·Ithasanewlookandfeel—a ...,...