Skeleton Screens vs. Progress Bars vs. Spinners



CSS loaders and Spinners

CSS Loader is a collection of different types of loaders, spinners and their source code. There are no image dependencies in this.

CSS Loaders

The biggest collection of CSS-only loaders. More than 600 loading animations made by Temani Afif using a single element.

How To Make a Loader

The border property specifies the border size and the border color of the loader. The border-radius property transforms the loader into a circle. The blue thing ...

Pure CSS Loader - Optimized Spinners for Web's CSS spinner uses CSS Animation, which is wildly supported by all modern browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Spinners · Bootstrap v5.0

Bootstrap “spinners” can be used to show the loading state in your projects. They're built only with HTML and CSS, meaning you don't need any JavaScript to ...

Spinners · Bootstrap v5.2

Bootstrap “spinners” can be used to show the loading state in your projects. They're built only with HTML and CSS, meaning you don't need any JavaScript to ...

SVG + GIF + PNG Animations for Spinner,Icon,Text and More

Customize and build your own ajax loading icons, animated texts, backgrounds and more with SVG / CSS / GIF / PNG. Spinner · Fidget Spinner · Eclipse · Double Ring

Tailwind CSS Spinner

The spinner component can be used as a loading indicator which comes in multiple colors, sizes, and styles separately or inside elements such as buttons.

來手刻一個Loading Spinner吧!. 在twitter專案時

首先,要讓spinner內的四個div重疊在一起,所以設定了position。會跑動的線條,其實就是一個div設定border-radius讓它變成圓形,再設定border 10px 就是我們看 ...

讀取圖示(Spinners) - Bootstrap

關於. Bootstrap “讀取圖示(spinners)” 可用於您的專案中來顯示載入狀態。它們僅使用HTML 和CSS 來建構,這意味著您不需要任何JavaScript 來創建它。


CSSLoaderisacollectionofdifferenttypesofloaders,spinnersandtheirsourcecode.Therearenoimagedependenciesinthis.,ThebiggestcollectionofCSS-onlyloaders.Morethan600loadinganimationsmadebyTemaniAfifusingasingleelement.,Theborderpropertyspecifiesthebordersizeandthebordercoloroftheloader.Theborder-radiuspropertytransformstheloaderintoacircle.Thebluething ...,'sCSSspinnerusesCSSAnimation,whic...